4x7. Luke VS Nick

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"Hey ghost boy!" Nick shouts, in towards the garage. Luke turns around, smiling. "What's up." Nick laughs. "Y'know, just came to bring you back to Caleb, or at least show Julie I'm better than you." Luke zips up Rose's trunk. "I highly doubt you're better than me, but whatever helps you sleep at night." Nick charges towards him. Luke restrains himself from dropkicking the hopeful boy, even if it was really tempting. "You don't really love her." Nick bites, as Julie eavesdrops, leaning her ear to the door. Alex smiles, pressing his ear to the door too. Reggie was with Hannah, learning some new dance moves to use for tour. "I love her so much, that anytime we're apart for even just for five seconds, I hurt. Even for forty years I hurt and screamed for HER! She's everything I ever NEEDED, not because she helped us with music, it's because without her, music was the only thing, that truly loved me, sure my parents love me, but even when I wasn't a ghost, presumably, my parents were too focused on everything, but their only child! Yes, I'm sure you have deep rooted trauma too, but would you take a bullet for the girl you want?" Alex hugs Julie, to muffle her tears. "Oh my god!" Reggie whispers, joining the hug. "No." Nick says quietly. "Well I would take on anything for the girl you call Molina. You like the idea of her, because of some old age "popularity is power" MO." Luke says. "The way you look at Flynn, is the way my soul aches for Julie." Luke chuckles slightly. "You really think Flynn would go on a date with me?" Nick asks, realizing the butterflies in his stomach. "Maybe?" Luke shrugs. "Mr. Covington's really not gonna like this." Nick says, with panic rising in his voice. "By the way, thanks for getting him out of my body." Luke crosses his feet, as he leans against the wall. "Of course." Nick smiles. The boys, flash in to the house as Nick walks out, while Julie flashes in, in front of  Luke. "How much of that did you hear?" He asks, knowing she was listening the whole time. "Um all of it!" He smiles, kissing her. "I know." He smirks. "Then why'd you ask me, if you already knew?"  She asks annoyed, as he whispers. "You're cute when you're annoyed." He says, putting the trunk in the car, for tomorrow. Then a song comes on his shuffle. "Hey legend!" He smiles, closing the trunk. "Daisy." She grabs his hands, he then picks her up. She giggles, singing this song. "Think of me when you're out, when you're out there
I'll beg you nice from my knees
And when the world treats you way too fairly
Well it's a shame I'm a dream
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
I think I'll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
Wake up early to black and white re-runs?
That escaped from my mouth
Oh, oh
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
I could follow you to the beginning
And just to relive the start
And maybe then we'll remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you." Luke just keeps swaying, walking inside the house, watching her slowly fall asleep, wiping her face, softly. "He Reggie, how was your night with Hannah?" He asks laying on the long section of the couch, next to him. "It was good, worked on my quickstep, then we had lunch, you guys?" Reggie asks. "Julie and I, had a Sailor Moon marathon, and Alex went out with Willie, and Allie." Reggie nods. "You ready to pack the bus later?" Luke asks, excitement hitting him. "Yeah, did you know Hannah was coming too?!" Luke nods. "Did you really mean, what you said out there about Julie?" Reggie asks. What happens next shocks Reggie to his core. "I really feel everything I said, when she's not with me, I feel  pain, I know that sounds toxic, but we are far from that." Julie gets up. "I'm getting some poptarts before we head to the bus." The boys smile, as Alex and Willie flash in. "Hey guys, you ready for tour?!" Luke asks. "Yeah!" Willie says, as Luke takes all the bags to the trailer. "That's great man!" Luke smiles, flashing back in, patting his shoulder. Julie brings all of them snacks. "Alright everyone, let's get going!" Ray says, and they all go scout out the bus. "I call bunk closest to Julie!" Luke announces, and Carlos picks the one underneath Julie. "Top!" Julie says, putting Luke's sticky note on it. "Okay, the three musketeers are done picking our bunks." Carlos smiles, as Julie kisses his head. Reggie picks the one next to Carlos, fist bumping him. Eventually they all pick their bunks. Then they all head home to get some sleep. Lucas hears screaming coming from Carlos' room, then a knock at the door. "Hang on." Luke says, opening the door. "What's up? Luke asks, looking at the thirteen year old boy. "I think Caleb's in the house!" He whispers. "Babe." Julie turns over, as he goes over and whispers. Carlos' mouth drops as they both glow. "Okay, come on." Julie smiles, as Carlos climbs in next to her. Luke smiles, as he goes and grabs the boys. "This is a nice house." Willie smiles. "Thank you." Luke smiles, looking around, glowing. "Dude!" Willie says. "Sorry, it's a protection thing." Willie smiles.
"Dang man, you really did find your soulmate. Good for you!" Luke smirks. "Hello boys, thought I'd find you here." Caleb smirks, flashing in front of them, as they enter the den. "GET OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE!" He says, as he kicks a soccer ball into his gut, knocking him out, sending him into the empty dungeon.

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