2x8. Connecting the dots

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"Hi Mrs. Patterson, where's Mitch?" Rose asks, holding a bundle of blankets, and all of Luke's lyrics, she could find. Standing at the doorway. "Oh sweetheart, Mr. Patterson's still working." She says with a smile, inviting them in. "Hi angel you must be Juliet!" Emily says smiling, offering to hold her, while Rose takes the music out of her bag. "Luca really loved writing everything down." They share a small sad smile. "Agreed." Emily says, sitting down in her  armchair. "I know it's been tough without him these past nine years, especially since you don't  know where he's at." Emily smiles, getting emotional.   "Why is Lucas's notebook important now? Do you think it'll help find him?" Rose smiles softly, Emily nods. "I think Juliet is the girl he always wrote about." Rose says, smiling not sure whether to be relieved or feel bad for reading something so private. Emily takes the book, remembering what he always said about this mystery girl. "She looks like Rose kind of, she has this pink room? She also has this voice! Oh and the piano, she totally shreds." Emily smiles, as Rose gets up to use the rest room. "Luke are you sure you're  not thinking about Rose?" He shook his head. "No, she doesn't strike me as a person, who still has her mom, plus Rose isn't really my type, this girl might resemble a lot of her, but she's different, man those eyes." Rose sits back down, and changes the baby. Emily smiles to herself. "Well can I at least know her name?" He shrugged. "Juliet?" He smiled, walking back to his room. "Oh my god!" Rose chuckles. Emily smiles at Julie. "It's like they complete, oh my gosh." Emily says shocked. "What's going on dear?" Mr. Patterson asked, coming into the den. "Hi babygirl!" He says kissing the baby's head. "That's Juliet!" Mitch's mouth drops to the floor. "THE JULIET!?" They nod, as Emily gives Rose a letter to put away for safe keeping.

Present Day

"Julie! Lady Boss! Come here!" Luke yells down from the loft, holding letters with their names on them. "I knew she hid those!" Luke smirks, watching her poof up to him. "Here you go!" Alex and Reggie poof next to them. "Dear Juliet, Today is March 15th 1992 and I have no damn clue if you are just a dream, or a real person, every song I've written has you in it, I don't know how or why, I don't care either way,  you are very real to me. - Luke P." Julie reads aloud. "Holy cow!" Alex says, wiping a few stray tears. "Ok, maybe I am the emotional one." Reggie chuckles, followed by a smile from Luke about to read his letter. "Dear Rocker Boy, this is Julie today is January 25th 2009, I turn 5 in March! Mommy says I'm crazy because I described a boy from Sunset Curve, what's that name about? It's a cool name, sorry I found your guitar, I named it Luke, I hope you are not mad at me. I hope they come back, because mommy says they went missing! I sure hope you can help me find them, uncle Trevor told me about a boy like you, Luke right? I just say cute boy, since I can't say Luke yet, hey I'm almost 5 after all! LOVE JULIE MOLINA!" He wipes his eyes, as the three of them are full on sobbing. He puts the letters into a box of their stuff in his room, poofing them back into the loft. "Shh, I'm here, I'm okay." Luke says with tears streaming down his face. "I knew I wasn't crazy!" Julie says, hugging him tight. "See oozing chemistry!" Reggie whispers, and they all look at him weirdly. "You are right Alex, Reggie you really gotta stop saying that, it sounds weird." Luke says, going down the steps as Julie follows, going to grab Luke. "Before we hear My name is Luke, I found this song by Luke Combs on Julie's phone." The three of them circle him. "Ready!" They shout, and Luke smiles, and starts playing. "Her day starts with a coffee and ends with a wine
Takes forever gettin' ready so she's never on time for anything
When she gets that, "Come get me, " look in her eyes
Well, it kinda scares me the way that she drives me wild
When she drives me wild
Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me
The way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances
And wears her heart on her sleeve
Yeah, she's crazy but her crazy's beautiful to me
She makes plans for the weekend, can't wait to go out
'Til she changes her mind, says, "Let's stay on the couch and watch TV"
And she falls asleep
Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me
The way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances
And wears her heart on her sleeve
Yeah, she's crazy but her crazy's beautiful to me
She's unpredictable, unforgettable
It's unusual, unbelievable
How I'm such a fool, yeah, I'm such a fool for her
Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me
The way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances
And wears her heart on her sleeve
Yeah, she's crazy, she's crazy, she's crazy
But her crazy's beautiful to me
Her crazy's beautiful to me." He smiles, as Reggie falls asleep on his lap. "Goodnight Reginald." He smiles and realizes it's the afternoon. "I mean a nice nap." Julie smiles, as all four of them fall asleep. "WAFFLES!" Reggie screams out of a dead sleep, spooking everyone out of their hour long nap. "What?" Alex says waking up. "Do you seriously want waffles right now?" Reggie nods, Alex groans, getting up. "Fine lets go make waffles, everyone up!" Julie helps Luke up, and they go up to the house to make food. "It sure has been an interesting morning." Reggie asks. "Yup seems like all the dots are connected now!" Julie chuckles. "Now we can record an album!" They all nod.

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