2x7. Covington's Swan Song

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Luke poofs Julie home, it was five in the morning on Saturday. He then hears Nick in the bushes. "Stay away from us!" Julie screams, Luke protects her. "Bébé, attendez calme-toi, viens avec moi, tu te souviens de ce que je t'ai appris?" She nods. "I wish I was from Canada too right about now." He smiles, as he poofs them outside. "Who are you?!" Julie asks, going towards the rustling bush, as Luke climbs into the tree, watching over her. "Focus." He says, then they hear Caleb laugh. "Now go for it." He holds her waist, as he helps her lift Nick into the air, letting him land softly in front of them. "You really shouldn't of done that Lucas!" Caleb growls, as Luke gently pushes Julie out of the way. "What's going on?" She asks as she starts to feel power around her, and through her. "Her powers are growing too!?" Caleb asks charging towards Luke, fighting him. "Caleb! Let my boyfriend go!" She says, knocking Caleb off of Luke. "You leave this boy's body, and leave my future alone!" She says, as everyone comes out of hiding. "Never mess with my future wife, because well she'll kick your ass." Luke says winking. "You're a dork babe." Reggie laughs. "Everyone ready?" Alex asks, they all nod and Luke starts singing, then Julie joins in."Electric hammer to the heart, clocks move forward, this is our time yeah, don't blink no I don't wanna miss it, we're just the keys to paradise, voice like an angel, no regrets, this voice in my head, times up got no time to catch my breath, we say we're friends, we play pretend, been so long and now we're finally free." Then Caleb starts leaving Nick's body. "Stop! What are you doing!" Caleb screams, and Julie keeps the beat. "I wanna hear it hear it, not alone you're gonna find your way home, I believe that we're just one dream." They grab each other's hands and Luke and Julie, grab each other's faces. "Stop!" Caleb screams. "What is lost can be found inside of us." They kiss, and Caleb gets thrown onto the ground, next to Nick. Willie and Alex, help banish Caleb to the ghost club forever. Reggie and Luke help Nick heal, and all three of them take him home. "What happened." Nick groans, as Julie hugs Luke tight, enjoying her newly upgraded powers. "Probably just a nightmare." Julie says, hugging Luke's neck. They all watch as Nick falls asleep again. "I feel great!" Julie says, kissing Luke's head. "This is his house." Luke says as Julie falls asleep, glowing. "Hey thanks for walking me back home, weirdos." Nick smiles but scoffs, and walks inside. "Good night to you too!" Reggie says oblivious. "Let's go home!" Luke says, proofing them home, Willie poofs Alex back home. "That was so freaking awesome!" Julie says, as Luke lifts her up, spinning her around, putting her back to bed. "Been so long now we're finally free." He says, and then changes in the closet. She falls asleep, still glowing. He turns and smiles looking at her. Then he walks out to their beds. "Luke?" He smiles and sits besides her. "Yes?" She smiles. "You guys are back!" She smiles hugging him tight, making him fall onto the pillow. He just smiles, as they fall asleep. Later in the morning Luke wakes up, making everyone breakfast. "Hey dude!" Carlos says distracted by his tablet almost walking into the counter. "Oop careful Carlos!" Luke says blocking a potential injury. "Right, my bad!" Luke chuckles to himself, as Carlos sits at the table. "Where's dad at little man?" Carlos shrugs. "Here I am, sorry I had to work late, how was your night?" He asks the boys. "Good! Carlos went to bed at a reasonable hour, this time he didn't try to escape his tuck!" Ray smiles. "Good I'm glad, where's Julie?" Luke smiles. "In bed, we spent five hours at the teen club, so she's exhausted!" He says plating the eggs and bacon. Luke looks towards the door. "There she is!" Julie smiles as Luke gives her a small wink, as Alex and Reggie walk inside. "Julie and the Phantoms have entered the building!" Carlos announces, they all chuckle. After breakfast, they are in the garage. "So now that Caleb is taken care of, how are we gonna get back at Bobby?" Julie asks, wanting to "haunt" him too. "Freak him out, so bad he confesses he stole our whole entire back catalog." Luke jokes and they all agree. "Wait seriously?" He asks, they all nod. "Yes, I wanna hear My name is Luke by Mr. Luke Patterson officially, like now!" Julie says, like a super fan. "Okay, alright, we'll go mess with Bobby!" They all cheer and poof to his mansion in Malibu. Julie rings the doorbell, and Bobby answers the door, and Luke fixes her hair. "Hello?" Bobby asks, afraid to open the door. "Hello Robert. I heard your music before." Luke says, explaining everything that's happened up to this point in his intimidating tone. "We wanna know why the hell you didn't credit, this rock god over here!" Julie says. Reggie and Alex nod, agreeingly. "Because I was weak, Caleb promised me fame and fortune, if I led him to you three. "What about Rose, you creep?" Luke asks on Julie's behalf. "She wanted to tell you, she really did Julie, but I told her not to. Because she knew you'd fall head over heels for Luke, and she didn't want to tell you he went missing, in I guess a void. You would send her on a wild goose chase. She's very stubborn this one, just like her mom." Bobby smiles. "Did you know all the songs were about her?" Luke asks, wiping her tears with his sleeve. "After how you described what you see when you write, after Julie was born, I knew she was it! I guess that's why you were saved now. I'll tell you what, I'll make sure your credit is due, promise." He says genuinely, they nod and leave.

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