"Where is Fabri?"

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Hello Lovely Readers,
A surprise chapter just for you! I needed to get the storyline down before I got busy with life. I hope you enjoy it and it answers some questions while it may raise others. 🤫😳🤐
Mille grazie !!🔥🦋🔥

*****didn't edit so sorry in advance!💕

She lay still feeling the spray of the waves that were slapping against the speedboat as it traveled at top speed across the water. She had awoken to the voices of men speaking Italian. At first she thought Can must have left the television on and an Italian film was on. She had learned some Italian from friends at University in California along with Spanish. However she had improved upon the Italian a little with Can helping her. She had recently downloaded a course on her phone and would play with it here and there. It had proven itself useful as she understood some of what they were saying. She realized quickly from that moment on that she was no longer on the yacht nor was she with Can. Her fear mounted and became almost a panic when she heard one of the two men's voices speak of Don Fabri. A sickening knot formed in her belly and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from vomiting. As the speedboat bounced along the surface of the water she knew that she had two things to do, find out what he wanted with their family and find a way to get away from him. She hadn't realized how scared she really was until one of the men began speaking to her. They had a towel or a sheet over her face so she couldn't see them but they also couldn't see her. Her heart stopped beating as they spoke about her. "Gli piacciono davvero le belle donne, force ce la trasmettera quando avra finito con lei?" She listened intently ad she tried to control the panic welling up in her at their words "Sei pazzo? Pensi che passerebbe tutto questo per una puttana comune.? Nessuno questo e speciale". She heard the other man grunt and curse, then "Forse possiamo divertici un po...." She felt the boat move in a different way under her and understood that the men must have stood "ascolta stronzo? La tocchi e lui ti scuoiera vivo! Lei e gia stata ferita e si assicurera che lui sapphia che non siamo stati noi". Sanem held her breath as the men no longer spoke and the speedboat slowed down. It could be non other than Fabri who had her kidnapped. What did he want with her? She had nothing of value nor did she even know anything about his business. The men seemed fearful of him, especially the man that had warned the other one to leave her alone otherwise he would be "skinned alive". Every nerve ending begged her to jump off the boat and into the sea. She might drown but it would be better than ending up with a man like Fabri. She understood now that Can knew a lot more about the man than she did and non of it was good. The man she knew as Mr. Enzo Fabri, an art enthusiast, a philanthropist who sponsored up and coming artists, the reason she had a scholarship, the gentleman who would speak to her asking her many questions about her choice of mediums, was nothing more that a mob boss. By all accounts a dangerous and prolific one. Bile rose up in her throat and she wanted nothing more than to retch but she needed to pretend she was still unconscious so that she might at least escape any more harm. It was then that she felt her lip sting as the salty tears rolled off her chin. She also noted that she was having a hard time opening her left eye and the left side of her face felt sore. Almost instantly she remembered the fight that Can and Jack were having and her mistake of getting in their way. One of them hit her and now she was on a boat heading to who knows where to be delivered to Fabri himself. "Can.... please find me. Allah help me please".

Can stepped onto the helicopter that arrived for Jack and the injured steward. The Greek naval officials had taken command of the ship and after having a thorough interview with an older police official he was allowed to leave with Jack. Can had no idea where Fabri had taken Sanem but he knew from the Greek official that it would not be easy for him to enter Greece without help. He looked at the still body of Jack and felt a certain amount of empathy. Whatever he had been investigating had led him to warn him and Sanem. He had once again rushed to a decision and he had been wrong. Jack was not implying that his brother was part of Fabri's gang. Instead Jack had made connections and those had led him to the Divit Gallereis and Emre, who was the CFO off the company. He had plenty of time to read the report that Jack had brought with him and it painted an even uglier picture of Fabri than even he knew. The man had his hands in everything, including Turkish officials, Italian officials and American businessmen. It was clear that he had dealings with Yigit Kaya and used Kaya Global as a means to launder money. Perhaps that was what he was trying to do with Divit Galleries that had gone wrong. It dawned on him then that the problem with the forged art piece that Yigit had sued them over had been the beginning of it all. He had not expected them to fight back in open court, and in international court as well. That must have surprised Fabri. That would bring too much attention to a man who liked to work in the shadows. He recalled now that Yigit abruptly dropped the charges concedeing that perhaps it had been a mistake. The piece indeed was a forgery but they had not sold him a forgery. He had replaced it with one of his own, and that's where Sanem came into the picture. A complete innocent to all of this. They had used her skill as a means to an end. When things had not worked out, and she was headed back to Turkey they used her once again to transport another piece, but he wasn't sure what that was. As far as he knew either Emre still had it with him or had it hidden somewhere. He hoped Emre had hidden it otherwise they would have nothing to bargain with. As they approached Greece the sat phone he had in his hand rang and he saw that it was Metin. He picked it up and listened intently to what his friend said. Thanking him he hung it up and prepared himself for their landing. Once down, he noted the ambulance that had been awaiting their arrival. He asked one of the officials that had traveled with them for a pen with which to leave Jack a message. He wrote quickly and put the note into the mans duffle bag with a request to the official to inform Jack that he would be in touch, God willing he would make it through without loosing a leg. A car waited for Can thanks to Metin and once inside and moving away from the airfield he had no choice but to wait. The driver spoke Italian and Greek and Can was able to ask a few questions about travel and transportation. When the phone rang in his hands he starred down at the number flashing on the screen. He didn't recognize it but it started with the Greek country code. "Ayoo....?" There was a brief delay and then a voice he knew as well as his own came across the line "Hermano..... Tequila sunrise is an excellent movie. Are you ready to eat some Shishkbab."

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