"Your Have Something He Wants".

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The yacht stood twenty five nautical miles off the coast of Morocco. A helicopter had landed an hour earlier and left minutes later with her and Fabri on board. Sanem had watched every movement of the officers and staff as they did their jobs. Every opportunity that she had she spent it trying to find a way off the ship before they made land. Now that she was in the helicopter she felt concerned at not being able to navigate the city without a phone, money or the language when she freed herself. She would do whatever she could to get away but she wanted the best chance possible and so she waited for the opportunity that would surely come. It had to.

Can had paced himself into a frenzy before Emre took him out and down to the beach to run. He needed a distraction a way to empty out his frustrations and control his anxiousness. As the two brothers ran the length of the beach near their hotel Emre's phone dinged with an incoming message. He stopped, with Can stopping right after him; and read it quickly. "It's Metin, they've come up with something. Perhaps it's enough to help you decipher what Sanem was trying to tell you". Both men ran back to the hotel and entered with a start. Leyla was sitting on the couch facing the door as she talked to a women with her back to it. Emre nodded and slowed his steps before being pushed forward as Can collided right into Emre. "Emre what..." thats when he saw the woman who was seated across from his sister in law. She turned around and smiled "Can.....it's been too long Canim."

Polen spent the remainder of the morning explaining to Can exactly all she new about Yigit and his enterprise. "I left Turkey after we.... well after everything went wrong with us. My employer assigned me to work with Kaya Global. It wasn't until later that I realized what he had tried to do to you and your firm but it was too late. You wouldn't have believed me nor accepted my help, but I should have contacted you. I should have..." Can held up his hand and stoped her from continuing. "You chose to sell me out Polen. I learned everything after you left. Your disguised your leaving as anger over our break up, you knew what your were leaving behind. You went to the highest bidder and from what I can determine you're still on the payroll. The question is who's". He watched her face as she stood up and turned away from him. She was hiding something and he could tell. He had been blinded by her very carefully crafted persona. She was beautiful to be sure, but in a contrived kind of way. Her makeup was always on point, always the perfect hair and clothing. There was nothing but a beautiful shell but he had been to slow to see it then. When he had caught her lying about insignificant things he began to wonder if she was seeing someone else. They had never gotten far enough in their relationship to call each other exclusive but he wasn't into seeing multiple women at one time. The final straw was when he picked up a call from her phone and saw Yigits name and various messages. Now he realized that she had been planning on leaving Turkey and going to work for him. The problem was no I q q she would be going to the very man who was accusing them of theft, fraud and ruining their reputation. When he questioned her she became indignant, they fought and he never saw her again. It wasn't until he saw her with Sanem and Fabri in the picture that he realized she had done it and that she must have had something to do with that debacle although he couldnt prove it. Now she was here, spinning a tale around Sanem and he was listening carefully for the lies she was sure to tell.

Polen stood looking out of the windows of Cans room. The ocean looked so welcoming and yet all she could think of was walking into it and never coming out. She couldn't of course, there were two people depending on her getting this right and the man she could have built a life with stood behind her waiting for answers. All the while the man who took her future was waiting to hear she had delivered his message. She needed to get it right and yet find a way to help him. She hadn't cared for Sanem at all. She reminded her of a life she once had, a woman she could have been and a life she would never live but she also couldnt simply turn a blind eye to what the girl would go through if Fabri got his way. He had some type of bone to pick with her family or some feud to see to with her. She wasn't at all sure what it could be other than knowing that the girl would be lost in a world only few women survived and knowing that it had been another woman that had tricked her into a situation which she still found herself in was galling and her anger over it continued to simmer. Now she was the woman, who with a word could help Sanem, perhaps even help her into Cans arms but she had to do it without giving herself away. The man standing behind her, watching her every facial expression and reading between the lines was no fool but he had no idea who he was really confronting. She turned around and looked him straight in the eyes and them answered his question. "I regret that Can. It's one of the biggest mistakes of my life but not my only one. I'm afraid that what I'm about to tell you will only lower your opinion of me but as you will see I have no choice". Can stared at her with alarm bells ringing in his head. Before he had a chance to speak again she said "I'm afraid you will have no choice either Can. My reason for coming hear after speaking to Metin is to deliver a message. You must choose to refrain from seeing Sanem Aydin again or risk loosing her forever to a world you have no idea of. Not only will her own life be threatened but that of her family and yours". Can was glued to his chair but his heart was racing away from him. "What are you talking about? What do you know?.... He waited and when she made no move to answer he nearly yelled in frustration "No more cryptic phrases Polen. Tell me." Polen closed her eyes briefly, seeing in her mind how she had gotten into the world where Fabri was the puppet master and then seeing a life without him. "I work for Enzo Fabri. He has sent me here with a message Can".

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