Chapter 1

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The papers before you were neatly placed in a pile to the left of your computer, while you clicked into the Yoglab's database to submit the data presented to you for Xephos. Logging into the database, you took notice of what new data had been published in the past four days, regarding it with a bitter feeling. Hardly anyone had published new reports, which was rather confusing. 

Are they not doing work?  You thought as you clicked through them. You settled your thoughts once you saw a small data erase. Ah, they got rid of some experiments. That explains the lack of information here. 

With a small mental shrug of your shoulders, you grasped the first sheet of paper from the top of your pile, scanning over the injury document. 

October 10th, 

Testificate was found with a gash across his back. He was found alive in the Cloning Wing of Yoglabs, near the Cage sector. Perhaps failed feeding. 

You blinked. This was a rather small description.

This was not uncommon. When some were feeding the more aggressive creatures here, there may be incidents with dire consequences. You then glanced at the bottom of the paper to see what may have caused this. In your mind, you were already considering whether or not it was one of the mutant beasts Yoglabs had in containment. Mutant Enderman, Mutant Zombie, and many other beings that may be extremely dangerous. 

Yet, what was labeled was rather confusing for you. You noticed Xephos's signature in the bottom left, signafying that he filled out the report, yet on the bottom right, where the cause of the injury would be labeled was an unfamiliar name. 

Lalnable Hector

Weird, you thought. The incident happened in the Cloning Wing. Never heard of a Lalnable Hector. With another click, you began typing the report, along with its rather vague details. This was not much to go on, yet when you finished typing it, you placed the paper on the right side of the computer. 

With that, you grasped the next paper. 

October 10th, 

Mutiliated corpse of a testificate was found in the Mutation Wing. Mutant Enderman was out of captivity near this time. 

Now this made sense. A small memory of that wing of Yoglabs being closed off made itself apparent to you. So the Enderman got out, that explains it. 

You easily typed the report up and submitted it before moving onto the next paper. 

October 9th, 

Testificate was found dead just outside the Cage. Bloodloss was evident with a large bite mark to the throat. 

You glanced over the signature, finding Xephos, and then scanned what caused the accident. 

Lalnable Hector. 

You narrowed your eyes in confusion. The name appeared again. You set the paper in front of you before quickly scanning through the pile of papers you still had to type. All of them were more violent accidents, you counted for. Either missing fingers, or massive bloodloss. All of them, however, had the cause being this Lalnable Hector. 

Just finish these reports, U/N, you told yourself. Then maybe poke around, see what you can find. 

It did take you a while to finish the reports, yet once you finished, you took the time to open up your daily schedule on your transmitter all Yoglabs personnel carried. 

The whole daily schedule thing was a new edition to Yoglabs. It was something Xephos had established due to some wings of Yoglabs failing to complete work on time, or completely forgetting entirely. This schedule was something Xephos could edit any time he desired. It would signal staff if they were required to do anything extra today, or assist out in another department. 

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