Chapter 5

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"Small question," you began as the two of you entered the Cloning Wing. "Did Xephos say what my new task was going to be?" 

"You have a small job here in the Cloning Wing. Nothing too bad." Gosencrantz turned away, but you could have sworn you caught a look of anxiety from the man, yet said nothing about it. 

"Might I ask what it is?" 

"I'll show you." 

The two of you entered the vast hallway from earlier. Casting a glance to the right, you spotted the cube-like structure, and within it, was Lalnable Hector. He appeared to be curled up in his bed again, but upon seeing two of you on the walkway, he raised his head and observed. 

"You know Lalnable, correct?" Gosencrantz ceased movement. You did the same.


"Your new job will mostly consist of tending to him. Nothing too big, but I do want you to be very careful when you do." Gosencrantz forewarned.

A prickle of anxiety flooded through you. Eyeing Gosencrantz, you turned to face him. "So, is there anything else?" 

"I'll be showing you your office, which is just down the hall and to the right from here." 

He began to head that way, and with little choice, you followed after. Yet, you couldn't help but cast a look back at the cage. 

Lalnable's head was down now, resting upon his arms that were folded. He was curled up in a ball, you noticed. Before you exited the hall, you saw him bring the blanket over himself. Once you lost sight, you stared forward and soon enough, you found yourself at the door of a single office. 

"Oh, this is the only office here?"

"Well, the only office that needs to be here in this area. You see, this office here is for those who are assigned to supervise Lalnable." Gosencrantz opened the door, which revealed a rather spacious room. The two of you entered.

A desk resided on the left side of the room, facing the door so the computer screen had it's back to you. From there, you noticed a small, brown couch that was on the far right side of the room, accompanied by a coffee table that laid directly in front of the couch. Papers were in disarray and scattered all over the place, though majority of them appeared to be on the floor near the filing cabinets. 

"Is there a reason there are papers all over?" You asked, grabbing one of them to scan over it. The details were vague, and smudges of ink coated the paper's center. 

Gosencrantz shifted his feet in an uneasy manner. "The last scientist who worked here did not have enough to time to tidy up before their departure." 

"I'm sorry. Departu-"

"Yes. Departure. I should be heading back to work. There's a lot of papers that need to be looked at. If you need any assistance or have any questions, ask around. I'm sure someone will be able to help you, or speak to me. I'll be down the hall a ways." Gosencrantz turned around to leave, but before he left, he peered over his shoulder at you. "Oh, and before I leave, please do not tap the glass." 

With that, he left, leaving you alone in the room. At first, you were rather confused, but you did not feel like abandoning your post to go ask for help. After all, Gosencrantz appeared to be stressed as it is. It would probably be best not to disturb him. Instead, you turned to the desk and started up the computer. 

There was no sign in option at all. A small window popped up at once, and you noticed it was a camera. Swiveling slowly back and forth, you watched Lalnable through the device, and noticed that the man was up and about. Though, what he was doing was unclear to you. 

The Man Behind the Glass (Lalnable Hector x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now