Chapter 2

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You groaned as you turned over in your bed, a small headache forming upon your eyes opening. Eyeing the clock, you noticed that it was already 6:00 a.m. Sitting up, you rose to your feet to go shut off the alarm before turning towards your bed once more to grab your labcoat that resided right at the end of the bed. 

At once, your transmitter went off within the labcoat pocket, and with that, you grabbed the device to scan the messages. 

Do not forget your new schedule. Please get it done as soon as possible.


You gave a long sigh. How could I forget?  You thought miserably. Placing the device back into your pocket, you exited your room and began to head down towards the Tech Wing, your eyes and feet feeling heavy with exhaustion. Funny thing is, you just woke up. The hard work has not even begun, yet.

Taking a left, you entered the vast hallway that made up the Tech Wing. You had worked in this part of Yoglabs for the majority of your career. As some scientist like to call it, you were a 'wonderer', meaning you were not fully stationed to one section alone. Though the name wasn't entirely fitting- you did work in the Tech Wing almost everyday- you did occassionally work over in the Mutation Wing. 

"Oh, U/N," a man greeted. 

Turning, you spotted a testificate with a rather large stack of papers. You felt your heart skip a beat. "Hello," you greeted, trying your hardest not to sound anxious.  

"Xephos wanted me to hand these to you," the testificate spoke, passing over the papers to you. "But he only wanted you to do half of them." 

"Why half of them?" You inquired of the man, who equally appeared perplexed. 

"You know, I'm not quite sure myself, but he seemed pretty persistent on the idea that he wanted you to study the other half you chose not to do." 

"So he's giving me a choice on what to report and what not to?" You muttered, mostly to yourself, but the man gave a nod. 

"Seems like it," he insisted. "But he wants you to mark down which half you chose not to report, so he can report them himself." 

You nodded in understanding and exited the room, soon making headway for the Computer Lab. It was odd. Xephos was not one for wanting people to only get half of their work done. Perhaps, he felt pitty towards you? He did assign you a lot of work. 

You mentally shrugged as you sat down at your work station. Logging into the computer, you began to skim through the reports you decided to do. The reports from the Tech Wing were rather easy, you noticed, for none of the papers had any major experiments. The experiments consisted of testing whether or not a current could pass through certain material. Nothing big. 

Before you knew it, you found yourself already completing ten of the reports, leaving you with about forty more papers to do. 

This is too easy, you thought. A small prickle of worry clouded your mind. Were you doing the right task? You grasped the transmitter and began to type out a message to Xephos. 

I was told you only wanted me to do half the reports today. Is this correct or was I misinformed? 

You quietly awaited a response, tapping your feet upon the ground as you did so. 


Your transmitter vibrated in your hands. 

You heard correctly. However, this is only due to the fact that the Mutation Wing is being closed for a period of time, so your reports consisting of that sector will be delayed. The reasons are classified, so do not bother trying to pry any information out of that. Don't want you sneaking into another sector you're not assigned to.

The Man Behind the Glass (Lalnable Hector x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now