Chapter 3

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While the two of you made headway for the Cloning Wing, you could not help but wonder what you were going to say if you got caught. You could always say that you were with Honeydew since the small dwarf did mention that excuse, but the idea of Xephos falling for it had a slim chance of working. 

Eyeing the dwarf to the right of you, you noticed him sifting through the papers. Occasionally, he would look up at the doors passing by, reading the signs before looking back to the papers, continuing to the scan them. You copied his movements for a moment, eyeing the doors, then turning away. Not doing too much overall. You got a few glances from passing scientists, but that was about it. 

"Here we are," Honeydew bellowed upon reaching the entrance to the Cloning Wing. 

"Perhaps I should just wait outside," you suggested as the dwarf went over to stand on the pressure plate to open the door. 

"Not going to work," he stated at once as the doors opened, "I need to be supervising you, and actually, I need to give these papers to a specific scientist, and I don't know who that is, so we may be wandering for a moment." 

"Who's the scientist?" 

"Gosencrantz." Honeydew turned to you upon the door opening, waiting for you to pass through. 

"I should not be entering this sector." 

"I know that," Honeydew answered bluntly, "but I am allowing you to enter this area, so I can deliver these papers. That is all. No harm done." 

You stared at him for a moment longer. The thought of Xephos berating you both came into mind, and quite frankly, that was enough to make you shudder. 

"You know, the longer you stand there, the longer I'm going to have to stand here and wait for you," Honeydew muttered, almost sounding apologetic. 

"Xephos will be mad-"

"Xephos will be fine," Honeydew returned instantly. 

"I may get fired for this-"

"I'll make sure you don't." Honeydew blinked. 

Defeated, you slowly approached the door, your eyes scanning the door frame itself. As soon as you stood next to Honeydew, you froze for a moment, gazing down the small hallway that led to the left almost immediately. 

Honeydew gave you a small pat on the back of your knee, given his size, it couldn't be on the back. "You can do it. I believe in you," spoke Honeydew, who patiently awaited for you to enter the sector. "After all, it isn't your first time entering this sector," Honeydew snorted. 

Amusement was evident in his tone, but for you, it just made the sting of anxiety grow stronger. Which made you think, what is the worst outcome from this?

Thoughts of Xephos made themself present to you. His piercing eyes, narrowing upon meeting you and Honeydew for being in the Cloning Wing. Though he wouldn't sound mad, he would be very disappointed, and the thought of that was enough to make you shudder. That would be the worst one. 

Honeydew will cover for me, you silently prayed. The dwarf was great friends with Xephos, but if one compared Honeydew's common sense with what roamed Yoglabs, one could see why Xephos may be a bit 'touchy' when no one follows orders, more specifically, his orders. With that thought lodged into your mind, you hesitantly approached the door. I'm just following Honeydew's orders as of right now, who's following Xephos's orders. I shouldn't get in trouble. 

"Knew you could do it," beamed Honeydew as he bounded through the door after you, the large metal soon sealing behind you. 

You gazed at him a moment longer before following him down the rather short hallway. Taking a left, the both of you caught sight of a few scientists standing beside another door entrance that loomed over them, some looking rather annoyed while others appeared anxious. 

You felt yourself sympathizing the anxious scientists, whereas Honeydew casually strolled over to the group. Honeydew was a confident dwarf, you acknowledged as you followed after him. Though your legs felt weak, you tried your best to appear calm as you stood beside Honeydew. 

"Hello," the dwarf spoke, sifting through papers again. "Do any of you know where Gosencrantz is?" 

One scientist with dark brown hair and green eyes spoke first, "He's observing Lalnable right now. May I ask why you need him?" 

Honeydew motioned towards the papers in his hand. "I have some papers that need to go to him. Nothing too big." 

The same testificate spoke again, "Well, he's down on the walkway, if you wish to see him." 

"Thank you." Honeydew turned and walked down the hallway towards an all too familiar door. 

The sign on top of the door read, Authorized Access Only . 

Perfect, you thought miserably. 

"You coming?" Honeydew turned to face you over his shoulder, which made you realize you had ceased movement. 

"U-Uh, yes." You cursed at yourself mentally upon hearing your meek voice. 

"It's really nothing to be worried about," reassured Honeydew, whom had opened the door. "I have been down this way a couple of times. Just don't tap the glass." 

You thought it was an odd request, but you returned a nod as the two of you passed through the door. 

A slender, long, white, hallway opened itself up to the two of you. Glass made up the entire right side of this hallway, and residing in the middle of this vast corridor, was a lone figure who gazed down at something below. 

Honeydew approached. "Gosencrantz?" 

The older scientist turned. "Yes, sir?" 

"These are for you," Honeydew replied, handing over the papers with a smile. 

Gosencrantz thanked him with a nod. "Appreciate it," he spoke as he scanned through the papers. 

You heard more words exchanging between the two, however, your focus was on something else. 

Gazing down below, you noticed a cube-like cage that had glass making up the majority of the structure. Within, a bed, desk, and bookshelf resided. At first, you thought it was empty, but the shifting in the bed caught your eye. 

Snuggled under the sheets, was a man with blond hair. Other characteristics were unable to be obtained given the distance between you. The man's eyes were closed, clearly asleep. 

You were caught out of your thoughts upon hearing Honeydew.

"Hey, Xephos!" 

You froze. 

"Honeydew," a voice greeted from behind you, "and U/N. I thought I made it clear I do not want you in the Cloning Wing,"

"That was my fault," Honeydew interrupted, catching Xephos's eyes. "I asked her to follow me, since she was already halfway done with her assignments. I simply had to deliver these to Gosencrantz." Honeydew pointed at the papers in the scientist's hands, to which Gosencrantz comfirmed it with a nod. 

Xephos stared for a moment longer. "Very well. Since you're done, I believe it's time to leave," he added with a calm tone. 

You gave a nod, but before you left with Honeydew, you casted a glance back at the cage below.

So, this is Lalnable Hector? You thought to yourself. He doesn't look too bad.

However, as you left, you could have sworn you saw one crimson eye focusing on Xephos, then you as you left. Was he observing the whole event that transpired? As you passed through the door, you shook your head. 

It was all in your head. You imagined it, that's all. Yet, you couldn't shake the doubt that flowed within your being. 

He was asleep, you told yourself. Which reminds me. I should probably get back to work.

The Man Behind the Glass (Lalnable Hector x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now