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The pathfinder trip was nearly done, or at least almost halfway. They were almost at the pathfinder. It was the first lander in a decade and the first rover in history. The plan was to use sojourner to send 3 letters a transmission with the six wheels if they use hexadecimal. As a backup, they could use the imager on top of pathfinder. Beth could also work with NASA to program the rover to talk to both the hab and pathfinder so we could talk with earth when we are in the safety of the hab.

"14km out" beth reported

"Really?! Already, we can almost start to go home," he replied

"Not without a large amount of physical labour of course." beth responded

"Of course. I hate Mars, I actually forgot something" he said as he use the megaphone system on board

"you forgot something? Wouldn't be the first time." she said as a massive noise blared out off the rover

"FUCK YOU MARS" Mark screamed through the megaphone

Mark got back to driving and beth went back to coding a clone of minecraft. As they neared their destination they got gradually more excited. When they at long last arrived at their destination they both got out and went searching for the probe. After 2 hours of their morning went by they were starting to get bored with the impossible task.

Johnson space centre
Conference room

"where could they be going?" asked a very confused teddy sanders

"yes I would like to know that too" a equally confused Vincent kapoor added on

"we don't actually know. If they are going to ares 4 they are taking a very long route. So far there is nothing there except from the..." Bruce trailed off

A chorus of "what's" went around the room

"I need all old members of pathfinder here and I need the copy opened up." Bruce ordered his colleagues.

"PATHFINDER" Vincent shouted excited.


"I GOT IT MARK" beth screamed in delight

"WHAT?!?! I'M ON MY WAY. PATHFINDER HERE I COME" Mark replied immediately

So mark and Beth uncovered the decades old probe and loaded it up onto their rover. They had a little trouble getting it on but withing 4 hours they had pathfinder on their trailer and went on their way home.

Jet propulsion laboratory

"How was your flight?" bruce asked

"It was okay. Tell me about pathfinder." replied vincent

"We think the astronauts may be planning on retrieving the pathfinder and using it to contact us. I have rallied all of the original project members and designers. They have all agreed to help bring watney and johanssen home."


The duo made their way to a renovated storage rooms. Pathfinder lied under some tarp.

"Original team members meet Vincent kapoor. Vincent kapoor meet original team members." Bruce introduced

"So this is it?" Vincent asked while shaking hands with the people before him.

They pulled the tarp off to reveal a NASA white and gold pyramid shaped probe waiting there.

"let's bring some astronauts home shall we?"

Next chapter will have 2 logs so expect a long one. If there are any issues just tell me.

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