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Sorry for inconsistent updates. I broke my finger on Tuesday. It hurts but I can use phone so here you go..

As pathfinder started to rotate its imager and point at the signs mark and beth had left out, mark had been preparing his notepad and writing down the symbols that pathfinder pointed at.

When the probe stopped moving they went back inside the hab and started to decode the message from earth

H-O-W  A-L-I-V-E?

They both prepared signs of their perspectives of their supposed deaths and explained how they survived.

F-O-O-D  S-U-P-P-L-Y?

They returned into the hab and prepared another sign that read 'We are rationing and have started growing crops so we can last till sól 600


'Potatoes from the thanksgiving supply'

A few hours passed as they had to sleep but in the morning pathfinder made a new message


Mark and Beth were very confused with that last one for a minute as it was highly cramped.

"Skipping over the hacking bit, they want us to pose for a photo??" Mark asked confused

"Yeah, I think it is for PR. I bet that was Annie's request. I'll go hack then we can go do a photo shoot.

Mark and split of into different ways. Mark to check on the crops and beth to hack the rover.

20 minutes later.

" Hey Mark, rover is ready for us
Want to hop in?" beth asked

"on my way." marl replied as he left the hab

Mark went into the rover to find a text channel open saying 'houston typing'

'Hello guys, we have been watching you since sól 19. The whole world is tooting for you two. Great work getting pathfinder and getting communications up and working again. In the meantime we are preparing a supply mission to keep you both fed until ares 4

'glad to hear it. How's the crew dealing with all of this'

About 2 minutes passed

'Houston do you copy?'

'we have yet to inform the crew that you are alive. We believe it may affect morale.'


"let's give them a piece of our mind." said beth with a angry face

'Houston, are you fucking kidding us. What the fuck is wrong with you'

'please watch your language. This is being broadcast all over live tv'

And beth shared a look and she slowly nodded.

'oh really? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

'watney no, johanssen control him now'

'sorry Houston, i'm kind of supporting him because you held massive info from our friends from months soo, oh look. A pair of boobies. ( Y )'

I'll put nasa perspective in next chap. Il also have put up a new story about post canon mark/Mindy. If there are any mistakes just tell me

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