First Time Out Of The Palace

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"Pearl?" Blue Diamond had been waiting on me for a while, so she was thankful when I finally arrived in her room. "Yes, my diamond?" I ask her in response. She thinks for a second, I wasn't sure what she had wanted. I just knew that she needed me, "Don't you want to explore Earth? See the wondrous views on it?" She asked me. I wasn't exactly sure about what she meant by it, but I needed to answer at some point. "Why would I ever leave here? This-" I stopped, I started to think about what I was about to say. Is this really my home? I thought to myself.

"It's okay. If you don't feel that this is your home, then you don't have to stay. You're free to be yourself, to be on your own." She told me. I was amazed by her words, it felt like I was being cared about. I was, my diamond is very caring. She always wants everyone to be happy, despite her ability to make everyone cry with one single teardrop. "Really? Well, I guess I could give Earth a shot," I replied nervously. She smiled at me with full care and trust in her eyes. I smiled back at her. I was already planning in my head when I was going to be leaving and what I would do on Earth.

I wait for my diamond to excuse me from the room patiently, "You may go, Pearl," She tells me. I walk out excited, knowing that I would start fresh on Earth. As the door closes behind me, I can barely contain myself. I had been to Earth before, I just never stayed long enough to actually explore it. To actually see it fully. This time, this time I would stay to see Earth. I would see the majestic views that everyone had mentioned to me. I've seen other Pearls on Earth, Yellow's Pearl had taken up helping with Armour testing. For some reason Bismuth had her try on Wedding Armor, I don't know why. Pink's old Pearl had gone down to Earth not too long ago, I think she wanted some help with her eye.

I'm not sure, but what I am sure about is that I want to paint the most beautiful sights on Earth. The tallest of mountains and the most thriving of plant life. I wanted to paint the night and day skies, they sounded wonderful. The stars in the night sky, from what I've been told, are as bright as the sun. The moonlight being the most majestic out of everything I've heard. I loved it all, I wanted it to be my new home. Not on Homeworld, but Earth. I walk down the hall past one of Pearl's tours. I always found them interesting, I wanted to know what she was teaching some of the gems or visitors. But I couldn't stick around for the tour for long, I needed to get planning for my trip to Earth.

I walk through the main hall as I see Steven walk into the palace looking a little nervous, but that look quickly goes away once Spinel sees him. "Steven!" Spinel yells while running right at him. I chuckle slightly as they hug. "Spinel, what is WRONG with you?!?!" He exclaims as he turns pink. Spinel lets go of him, "Oh, y'know," She started. "The usual." I chuckle again, this time they notice me looking in their direction. I turn away, accidentally blushing out of embarrassment. Oh, no. Are they going to think I'm weird now? I thought to myself as I walk away, trying to avoid making contact with them.

But, before I can even make it to the other hallway, they run over to me. "Hey, Pearl! I guess we haven't really even properly met. My name's Steven Universe. This is Spinel," He says. Spinel looks at me and then hugs me enthusiastically. "Hello, Spinel," I say as she lets go of me. "So, what're you up to?" Steven asks me. I haven't ever been asked that before, "I was just heading over to my room to plan my trip to Earth." I explain to him. He gets all excited, "Good for you, trust me, you'll love it there. Do you know those mountains that we keep telling you about? They are so beautiful under the moonlight." He tells me. "Really? I'm sure that it'll be lovely then to go to Earth and take a break from the palace." I tell them.

"Well, you could stay at my place while you plan. It should get you used to Earth a little easier than just staying by yourself." He suggested. I thought about it, he could help me plan since he has been on the Earth for much longer than I have."Sure, it'll be fun," I answered. "Okay, I just have to deal with something real quick. It shouldn't take too long." He told me. I nodded my head as he and Spinel walk off to continue talking. I then make my way over to my room to change into something else. A new start, a new me. Right?

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