A New Chapter Of Life

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"What do we do now, Amethyst?" I ask her as we continue to look into the night sky. We had only been sitting there for a few minutes, but I felt like we still needed to keep going farther and farther. "What do you mean?" Amethyst said as she laid down on the ground. "You know what I mean, now answer," I said, partially annoyed but at the same time glad. I wanted to stay where we were at right now, but we needed to go back at some point, right? We couldn't just leave everyone behind, we needed to go back. No matter how much we didn't want to.

"We're gonna' have to go back at some point, but when? Now? In a week? A month?" She asked me nervously. I think about it, neither of us want to go back there. But we have to, at least, at some point in time. We could just head back now, would that be the easier option for us? I had no clue. "I don't know, what do you think?" I respond to her. She thinks about it for a minute or so and then answers. "Maybe we should go back now," She says hesitantly. I was a little surprised by her response. I thought that she would've said about a week or so.

But, despite that, we didn't really have any other plan. Since we had concluded that we would have to go back eventually, I felt like it would just be better for us to go back as soon as possible. Who knows? By the time we get back, they might have a cure for HSV already. We would just have to hope that Yellow doesn't come back, that's really the only thing I'm worried about, I don't know what Amethyst is worried about, but yeah. I don't even know if she is worried about anything. "Should we get going? Or should we wait until tomorrow?" I ask Amethyst. She looks at me, thinking about it.

"We might as well get a head start on it," She responds as she gets up and starts walking towards Little Homeworld. I stay sitting down for a little bit, thinking about what we do now. There wasn't much left to do in our case, HSV was the only thing left. What do we do after this? Just, it's hard knowing that, one day, nothing's going to matter, right? But, we're not at that point in time right now, there's still plenty to do. "You coming?" Amethyst called to me, I look back at her. She's looking at me, smiling. I smile back and follow behind her, going deeper into the forest.

As we ran farther and farther, we laughed a bit as we continued. The thought of freedom from Yellow was fantastic, wonderful even. I loved it!! I couldn't imagine it being any different. "Do you think they've figured out a cure by now?" I ask Amethyst. "I'm not sure, but I know if they don't, then we will, okay?" She responds smiling at me. I smile back and turn back to look in front of me. I could see the edge of Little Homeworld now. I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to be free of this curse. I needed to set everyone else free of this curse too.

I wanted to help everyone who's trapped in this cage, who's been trapped in the same cage that I was trapped in for so long. We finally get to the entrance of Little Homeworld and we enter. There were a few tables with fore arm sleeves, I'm assuming that HSV spreads through physical contact. Both me and Amethyst put two on and walked through Little Homeworld, heading towards the HSV Society Research building. I spot Steven, he runs up to the both of us. "Azure? Amethyst? Where were you two!!?" He asks us worried. "Don't worry, Amethyst was just trying to find me. And I'm sorry for just running off like that," I respond.

"Okay, well, Amethyst, don't go off like that without telling us. Who knows what could've happened," He tells Amethyst, now a little more calmed. "Does HSV spread through non-physical contact, Steven?" I ask him. He shakes his head and answers, "No, only through physical contact. As long as you have those sleeves on, you okay to walk around freely. But we're still working on a cure." He responded. I was glad that we didn't have to go into soem quarantine, but I'm going to have to visit peridot in the archives sometime. The Diamonds kept a virus a secret when they could've lost their entire empire? Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever see them the same again.

I look down at Amethyst and she looks up at me. I felt at peace almost, "Well, you wanted to paint the most majestic mountains in the universe, do you still want to?" She asked me. I think about it. "As long as I'm with you, yes." I respond. She smiles and I smile back as we walk towards a nearby bench. "You know, I think I know where you could start off," Amethyst tells me.

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