Past And Current Emotions of an Era 3 Gem

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Bismuth eventually comes over to me, "Hey, are you ready for your tour?" She asks me as I look up at her. She looks down at my notebook to see beautifully drawn stars and moon. "Wow, you're really good. How about I take you somewhere, you'll love it." She asks me. I think for a little bit. As long as I'm back in an hour, I'll be fine, I thought. "Okay, but make it quick," I tell her. She nods as she starts walking towards the entrance of Little homeschool. I follow slowly behind her, "Come on if we have to make it quick then hurry up!" She calls to me. I pick up my pace so that I could actually catch up to her.

I start imagining where Bismuth could be taking me. Maybe it's the beautiful ocean that I could paint, I thought as we walked towards Beach City. I've never been to Beach City, I've just ever heard about it. The times that I've been on Earth I've only ever visited Little Homeschool, which I guess is somewhat the reason why I came to visit Earth for a while anyway. But I still wanted to paint the majestic views that I've been hearing about, "So, how're you liking Earth so far?" Bismuth asks me. I think about it, despite everything that I was told by gems back on Homeworld, it was peaceful and even joyous here. Everyone looked like they were having fun whenever they visited Earth.

I guess I wanted some of that, but I never got the courage to leave the palace until told to. But now, I'm in charge of me and no one can boss me around anymore. I was actually kind of starting to like it here on Earth. "I think I'm enjoying it here," I answer. "You think? What do you not enjoy to make you just think that you enjoy it?" She asked me. I wasn't sure what she meant, but I had to answer. "My original plans were to come here and paint some of the beautiful mountains every one on Homeworld keeps talking about." I started to explain why I was even planning on coming here anyway.

"Wow, then I guess you're definitely gonna' love it where I'm taking you," She answers after I get done with what felt like a twenty-minute speech for why I'm here. I get excited all of a sudden because of her answer, "Where are you taking me?" I ask her. She doesn't respond at first, but eventually, she answers. "You'll see, just. Just trust me," I wasn't sure what to make of her response, was this a trick or something? I thought to myself. I wasn't sure if I could trust her or not, but she's Steven's friend, she's trustworthy, right? Before I could come to a conclusion for it, Bismuth starts talking. "Alright, we're here." She says as she points into a house. It was more or less near the edge of Beach City, so far enough away from Little Homeschool that there wasn't a warp pad nearby. The closest one was either at Little Homeschool or at Steven's house at the beach.

I look to my right to see the house that she was pointing fully. It was decently sized, but I still had no idea why we were here. Bismuth starts walking towards an entrance to the building, I wasn't sure whether or not to follow in or not. Bismuth turns around to see that I was starting to get nervous. "Come on, you can trust me." She tells me, then she holds out her hand. Since Era three started, surprisingly a lot of gems wanted to be with me. But, I just wasn't ready, nor' did I feel the same. And as you can probably expect, I started thinking the worst when all of these gems were talking to me at any time. Do they just want me because of how close I can get to a diamond without being shattered in the spot? I would think to myself. And then I remember why I didn't like how she put her hand out. About a month or so ago, the one time I trusted someone, a Sapphire came up to me asking me if she could talk.

I wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, but I felt safe. Whether that was because of her being a Sapphire or something else hadn't come to my mind. I just felt safe and therefore I didn't question it. I and the Sapphire had walked around the palace just talking about general stuff, like what we thought of Era three or what we did as a hobby. It was relaxing to say the least. What had made me not want to be with her is when she held her hand out and I took it, she would always say creepy things. Like, "You're going to be shattered in exactly a year," or, "You won't ever make it out of this palace." Little did I know that she was manipulating me by making me feel worthless. By making me feel like I wasn't ever going to achieve anything, and to make things worse, she was one of the few gems that stayed behind. They didn't follow the new Era, they still 'lived' in Era two.

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