Why Did You Leave Me?

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I sit there, wondering what Azure was doing. I had felt attached to her ever since we had met back at the Diamond Palace. I didn't ever want to leave her side, I felt like I needed to protect her. But look where that brought me, sitting here in Little Homeworld as I wait for Steven to get back. Steven had gone out to look for Azure, trying to find her so that we could heal her. Steven's powers had a minor effect on the Hyper-Shade Virus, or HSV-Two, which had plagued Gem colonies before on other planets. But was more common here on Earth. Which is how I got it, being in the ground for so long left me open and vulnerable to HSV-One, the first 'wave' of Hyper-Shade.

Studies were approved by Steven and the rest of Little Homeworld to attempt and find a cure for HSV. Steven's powers, while supposed to heal anyone, doesn't cure HSV and only makes the effects minor. Which is why my arm doesn't turn to a darker shade as often as Azure's does, I'm worried for her. What if Yellow's after her? I needed to find her, but I had a feeling that I shouldn't go out on my own, Steven would be furious about that, surely. He had told me to stay here, in The new Little Homeworld Society Of HSV Research. "Amethyst? You'll- You'll be called back in three minutes to start examination," A gem walks in, one that I had once trusted fully. But they stand here, stuttering to tell me how I might just shatter.

Sure, I was terrified. Pearl had once been a person I had trusted entirely, almost with all of my trust. But now, she could shatter me at any moment. And it was all because of something that I can't control. All because of this Hyper-Shade Virus. I wanted to be angry, but I couldn't. According to the research that's been conducted so far on other gems who have, or have had, HVS, if a carrier gets angry, then the virus spreads or, depending on the gem, spreads faster. If the gem is a Quartz, Jasper, Ruby, Amethyst, or any gem that have defensive/offensive abilities, then it'll spread faster. If the carrier is a different gem, such as Pearls, then it'll start to spread.

Which is, for the most part, why Pearl is here doing the research. So that the virus can be easily contained. Steven has been trying to figure out a cure for HSV for the past week, but has had no luck in doing so. There was one test cure that involved harnessing Steven's powers, but it almost killed him. We couldn't risk it, so we refrained from using it. Pearl and everyone else working on this had been given permission by the Diamonds and Steven that they could shatter any gems that showed signs of an outbreak. But, those gems have just been quarantined, because we still aren't sure if the shattered remains would make the virus spread faster or if it would increase the severity of the symptoms.

I felt like I needed to go out and find Azure, still. But I couldn't get rid of Steven's trust like that. I couldn't see him like, that, again. Connie decided to come and visit next week to try and help with the research of HSV. If anyone knew anything about gems and virus', it would be her. She's had experience with Homeworld, and she's studied virus' before. She could help us find a cure for HSV. Who knows? She could be the only chance we have to find the cure.

I could hear Amethyst's thoughts, her emotions. She was afraid, afraid of HSV, of me. I knew it. But, that doesn't mean anything, I needed to get back to Little Homeworld and get her out of there. Along with the rest of the patients at Little Homeworld. It didn't sound like there were that many there, so it couldn't be that difficult. But I would definitely need to cover up my arms before going. I couldn't be caught and taken by them to just stand there while everyone's vulnerable to them. But, how? I'm sitting in what seems like a prison cell. I don't know how Yellow found me, but she did.

I've been here for what felt like an hour, but Yellow couldn't have done anything tremendously bad yet, right? Amethyst was still at Little Homeworld, and while everything didn't sound like it was going good, it definitely didn't sound like it was going bad either. Over the past hour, I could hear other gems in here, each also having the Hyper-Shade Virus. But it seemed as though they each had different severities of the Virus. From what I knew, this virus had the power to destroy entire worlds in an instant. Of course, no one in their right mind would want to do that, so we needed to stay as calm as possible.

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