Why Haven't I Moved On Yet?

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I continue to look out into the ocean ahead of me, it's one of the most majestic things I've seen my entire life. I guess that says something about me, having lived in a palace my entire life, I've never seen anything else. Let alone, anything on Earth. I need to tell them what's going on, I thought as I walk calmly down the steps. I keep eye contact with the ocean as I walk closer to the shoreline. It was almost like it was glancing into my soul. I guess if gems had one. I guess our soul is just our gemstone. I never really thought about it before.

I'm not a person certified to answer that sort of stuff though. "Hey, Azure? Are you busy today?" I hear someone say from afar. I look in the direction of the voice, it's Amethyst. You WERE going to ask her if she wanted to talk anyway, I thought. I could feel myself getting nervous. Calm down, it's just Amethyst, I think to myself as I walk in her direction. "No, I was actually needing to talk to you about something," I answer. She seemed a little shocked at first, but then she was calm. "I needed to talk to you too," She told me.

She starts to walk towards Little Homeschool, I don't follow at first. She turns her head first to look at me, she sees that I hadn't followed behind her. She fully turns around with a confused look on her face. I look up at her, she looks right back. We're facing each other now, "You can come along, but if you don't want to," She started. I knew what she was going to say, "No, it's okay. I'll come, just, give me a minute. You can head over without me." I tell her before she could finish her sentence. She nods and turns back toward Little Homeschool.

She continues walking, and I stand still, thinking about what I even want to talk to her about. If I mention the strange things that have been happening to me, then she won't want to hang out, I thought as I start to make my way to Little Homeschool. Just let her speak, if things go good, then mention it, I think to myself. If things don't go good, then just don't mention it. I thought. I had kind of lost track of Amethyst while I was thinking, but I still knew how to get back to Little Homeschool. It's not that difficult considering that Becah City's a smaller town.

"Azure!" I hear someone call from my right. I turn to see Bismuth, running towards me. "Are you okay?" She asked me worried. Before I could answer she hugs me tightly. "Bismuth, I'm fine. You can let go of me now!" I manage to ask. She lets go and we both start to walk towards Little Homeschool. "So, what happened?" She asked me. I was confused at first, but I think I already knew what she was talking about. "What do you mean?" I respond. She looks at me with worry, she knew that I know what she was talking about.

"I- I didn't feel comfortable around you. I know how bad that sounds, but," I began. "It was only because of my own problems, not anything you did," I told her. I know that Bismuth cares, but sometimes that care can be a little much. "Oh. You know, if anything's bothering you," She started. "You can talk to me or Steven or any of us. We're here for you." She told me. I felt great after that, but I'm not sure if that's going to help with talking with Amethyst.

"Well, if you say so," I say in a slightly worried tone. I didn't think she'd notice. I think she noticed and just didn't say anything, because she still had a face of worry. I look up at her while we continue to walk towards Little Homeschool, she's definitely still worried. I've never been on Earth for a long time, in most cases I'm just here for a few hours, maybe a day. But I was planning on staying here for a month or so. If I was going to stay here for a month, then I needed to get adjusted to living here. It might take a while, but I'll try my best.

"So, you said that you came here to see the most majestic and wondrous mountains here, right?" Bismuth asked me. I took my time to answer, I wasn't sure what else I wanted to do here just yet. All I really knew was that I wanted to see the mountains. But, there was something else that I wanted to do here. "Azure, you okay?" She asked me. I hadn't quite noticed myself, but, I had stopped in my tracks while thinking about it. I feel a burning coming from my hand, I look down at it. It's turning into that really dark blue again.

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