Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins

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"I am your proctor Ibiki Morino. Before we start you candidates from the hidden sound knock it off! Who told you could fight!? You wanna be failed before we've even begun?!" Ibiki shouts.

"Sorry.. it's our first time so we're a little jumpy...sir." The sound nin that was hunched said.

"I'll say this once so listen up! Fighting is not allowed  without permission of your proctor and even then the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited! Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately!" Ibiki said darkly.

"No fatal force that's no fun." The other male sound nin muttered.

"Now if we're ready hand over your paperwork. In return you'll be given a number which determines where you will sit. We'll start the written test once you are all seated." Ibiki said.

Y/n watches as Naruto freaks out on the inside.
'Poor Naruto...'

Y/n was the last person to turn in her paper work. Ibiki eyes her as she walks up. She was given her number but before she could head to her seat Ibiki stopped her.

"Hold it number 42." Y/n stops in place. She turns around to face Ibiki. Her teammates along with the other candidates look up in curiosity.


"Your y/n l/n correct?" Ibiki asks.


'This is the shadow demon? The one, lord hokage mentioned would be taking the exams alone. I didn't know such powerful shinobi would be this young.'

"L/n your taking the exam alone correct?" Ibiki asks. As soon as he said that whispers broke out.
"Quiet!" He shouts shutting everyone up.


"Hmm well due to special orders your test will be slightly different than the others. You may not have a team to hold you back l/n but if you miss more than one question you fail." Ibiki said startling y/n.

'What!? If I miss more than one question I fail how is that fair?!'

"Good now hurry to your seat so we can begin." Y/n nods and finds her seat which was next to Kabuto and some other guy. Kabuto eyes her then turns his head away his a head of sweat starting to form when she caught him staring.

"Alright there are several important rules to this test. I will take no questions so listen up. First off rule one you are all given 10 points from the start! The written test has 10 problems. Each problem equals one point. This test is a point deduction system each point you get wrong is minus one except l/n's, yours will be minus two. The second rule is teams will pass or fail based on the total score of all three numbers."
Shocks of gasp from the candidates filled the room.

'Good thing I'm doing this solo then.'

"Rule number three the sentinels around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating and for every incident they spot they will subtract two points from the culprits score. Be warned their eyes are extremely sharp and if they catch you five times you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone foolish enough to be caught by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here. If you want to be considered shinobi then shows us how exceptional a shinobi you can be."

'Well I'll just have to hope the rest of the team 7 passes this part of the exam.'

"Oh one more thing if any candidates scores a zero the whole team fails." Ibiki said.

'Welp their screwed.'

"The final question won't be given until 15 minutes before the end of the testing period. You have one hour to complete the exam."


'Man if I miss more than one question I fail..this sucks. Maybe I should cheat... no let me at least attempt to solve this first if I can't then I'll cheat.'
Y/n read the first problem but found it quite difficult.

'I don't understand this. Well I tried time to cheat. I mean he specifically said we couldn't cheat he just said not to get caught so.... First things first who has all the answers? Maybe Kabuto he seems smart ,but I'll have to be careful some of the sentinels have been eyeing me. They must know I'm up to something. This is actually a perfect time to use my Seiryokugan.' Y/n concentrates and activates her eyes.

'  Y/n concentrates and activates her eyes

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I made that my self I'm quite proud.

I bet your wondering why are my eyes different from before? Well over the last few chapters I've made it to stage two of my Seiryokugan. Yes sorry readers for not informing you of this. I had to do this in my spare time when y'all weren't reading about my life. Anyway back to the story!

Y/n slowly opened her eyes. Everything around her seemed to be in slow motion.
'Good their on now I only have to steal a quick glance of his paper.' Taking a glance at Kabuto's sheet for a quick second she took a mental picture.

'All his answers are now locked up in my mind I just hope their right.'
She jotted down the answers.
'There time for a nap.' She deactivates her eyes she could feel p/n repositioning herself on her back.

Ibiki watched as Y/n finished her test.
'She's done already but it's only been 10 minutes. She did something I just don't know what. L/n really is something else.'

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