Chapter 5: Peacocking

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Georgenotfound God of the Hunt surveyed the pavilion as he stepped onto it with Finn and Sapnap.

His sharp eyes took in Badboyhalo sitting with a6d and the new god. Bad stood up and greeted them.

"Thanks," George replied politely, humoring Badboyhalo.

He walked over and sat down cross-legged next to them, Sapnap followed suit but Finn lay down and put her head in Sapnap's lap.

The new god- his name started with an 's' George thought- looked confused; he looked at all them like he was counting.

"Where's the other one, Dream?"

George was faintly amused. Slow, aren't you?

Sapnap answered trivially, "He wanted to check something, told us to go ahead."

Sapnap offered an inviting smile to the new god.
"Sapnap, god of sexy chaos."

George had to laugh at this introduction, earning a brief glare from Sapnap. "HEY I am sexy."

"He is right," said Finn from his lap.

"You know it, babe." Sapnap booped Finn's nose. She smiled.

"Yes *ahem* of course I was not doubting your sexiness, Sapnap," George said. "Just thinking that you flirt with everything that moves."

Sapnap rolled his eyes at George's coy smile, "We all know just who is the most flirty."

George and Badboyhalo said "Dream" at the exact same time Sapnap and a6d said "Finn" and Finn said "Me."

They laughed, then Finn slowly stretched a pale arm out to the new god.
"Finnster, god/goddess of beauty."

Skeppy looked at Finn's hand then at Bad.

He whispered, "Am I supposed to shake it or kiss it?"

George chuckled. "Either one you want, but she is more fond of the latter."

Skeppy blushed and gave Finn's hand a quick peck with his lips. She gave a tinkling laugh.

Sapnap waved his hands, "Ok enough of that-" he leaned forward- "Skeppy? You are the tiebreaker, since Dream would obviously vote himself, who do you think is flirtier?"

"Uhhhh." Skeppy's eyes darted around.

"He hardly knows either of them, you cannot expect him to pick one," Bad interjected.

"Fair point," Finn said flippantly.

She turned her head and gazed at Skeppy. "You have at least seen all of us, who do you think is the most beautiful?"

Skeppy didn't even look at the others. "You for sure."

Finn smiled, pleased. "Naturally."

Vain as usual.

Sapnap pulled on her hair. "Finn your peacock is showing."

A6d laughed like gentle wind chimes as Finn sighed heavily and moved over to George's lap instead.

She frowned up at him. "You are on my side, right Lupis?"

"Is Lupis your name?" Skeppy spoke up and George realized he hadn't been introduced.

George flicked his eyes over Skeppy.
"No," he said.

"Nickname," Finn purred.

Sapnap hit George's shoulder. "You can call him Georgie-poo, Georgie Porgie, Gogy... basically whatever."

George hit Sapnap back. "And you can call this idiot Snapmap."

"Nooooooooooo," Sapnap whined, "I hate being called that."

George giggled and pestered him more. "Sappy Nappy, Sappitus Nappitus, Pandas, you can make up dumb stuff like... Samsung Refrigerator!"

"Having fun without me?" Dream's voice came right over George's shoulder and he silently cursed Dream's ability to sneak up on him. He was the only one who could do that.

"We wouldn't dare." Finn affectionately pat the blanketed marble next to her.
"Lie down, I will let you share George's lap."

"Not today." Dream sat next to him instead and turned his attention to Skeppy. Finn looked put-out but George hardly noticed.

George saw Dream was holding one of his little white things.
He looked up and noticed Skeppy seemed more tense under the eyes of the masked god.

Skeppy fidgeted, his golden eyes down. "I'm-"

"-Skeppy. I remember," Dream answered.

"What's that?" Skeppy asked, pointing to the thing Dream was cradling.

Dream held it out to him. "A watchblob. They're my eyes and ears."

It was a little white blob, small enough to hold in one hand, with a round top for a head and black eyes; it had a wide smile.

Dream offered it to Skeppy. "You can hold him; they are friendly."

"Oh, ok. It's alive?" Skeppy gingerly accepted it and set the little thing down in his lap. "What is it exactly?"

"A spy, basically." Dream leaned back on his hands comfortably. "I get data from them."

"Programmed for his own nefarious purposes," George joked.

Dream smiled at him. "Whatever you want to think, George."

"Dream, can I hold one?" Bad asked, jealous of Skeppy.

"Here, Badboyhalo, you can take this one." Skeppy gently moved it into Bad's hands.

Bad squealed in excitement and pet it eagerly; it nuzzled him back happily.

He is just like a child sometimes.

(approximately 900 words)

Art by dorkapye <3 I love this piece even tho it's more of a sketch
Yes this Finn is genderfluid and I don't want to see any hate
I know Finn is not irl but it was just a creative choice on my part, and no I'm not calling her Rose when she is female because I prefer just using Finn for both. I know someone personally who is genderfluid so pls don't attack me for this portrayal.
The way it works in this story is this: when Finn is feeling feminine, she will have long hair and when Finn is feeling masculine, he will have short hair. It's not anything to focus on or argue about, it's just part of the story. Daddy chill.

I hope I'm good at characterization, that's basically what I'm trying to do in these chapters so it's not blah blah exposition.
*also Lupis was not a typo. I know the real Latin is Lupus, y'all stop second-guessing me o-o
Introducing the watchblobs uwu in case u didn't get it, it's a pun on watchdogs lol

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