How Did He Get Himself Into This Situation?

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Summary: Virgil is an idiot, and a pining one at that.


Virgil always had a hard time making friends. That was a fact. He knew that already.

Why? The amount of things that can make or break a friendship. Eye contact, saying the right thing, beliefs, time, how you look, talking in general, all that good stuff. It was frustrating and nerve racking.

That's why highschool is such a nightmare. You can only survive if you're "popular". And to be popular, you have to have friends. And to have friends, you have to be popular. It's an endless loop of torture!

Speaking of torture, Virgil was just about to walk into his first class, when he got a message from his only real friend. An online friend.

Online friends were significantly easier to make. No eye contact, you can actually think of what to say before speaking, and they won't judge you on how you look. It's so much easier!

princeofyourdreams: Good luck on your english essay!

Virgil smiled at his phone and quickly responded back.

onthevirgeofananxietyattack: thanks! Good luck wooing your boyfriend ;)

princeofyourdreams: haha very funny! Hopefully he will be my boyfriend tho. I mean, who wouldn't want to be my boyfriend?

onthevirgeofananxietyattack: i could think of a few people

Virgil didn't want to admit that he wasn't one of those few. But Princey already had his eyes on someone who he could actually see, and from what Virgil's heard, the lucky guy was very attractive.

princeofyourdreams: wow. If you could see just how attractive I am, you would change your mind!

onthevirgeofananxietyattack: oh im sure. maybe if i could actually see u i would change my mind, tho i doubt that

princeofyourdreams: well, you know very well that my parents wont let me! Im just so beautiful, that everyone would be looking for me! and gee, thanks

onthevirgeofananxietyattack: right. anyway i gotta go. tell me how the confession goes! i cant wait to hear about how broken your heart will be

princeofyourdreams: And I can't wait to hear about the F you get on your essay!

onthevirgeofananxietyattack: yea F to u too

They weren't being mean to each other, that was just how their friendship always was. Of course, boundaries were set thanks to Virgil having a mental breakdown and actually having to get Princey to call him and actually needing to hear Princey's voice in order to calm down. But it was fine in the end.


Unfortunately, Princey would be delighted to know that Virgil got a C on his essay. Of course, Princey would comfort him, but not until he was done laughing.

The school day went by pretty normally, though. Well, except for fourth period. Roman King, the most popular musical theater kid in school, kept staring at him for some reason. It was kind of creepy, but Virgil knew he was probably just judging Virgil silently, so he didn't think anything of it.

Pretty soon, the long day of school was over and Virgil could finally go home!

Or, he was trying to, before he got stopped in the main hallway.

He turned around to see who tapped him on the shoulder and- WHAT?!

It was Roman King. Why would he want to talk to Virgil?! Unless he got Virgil confused with another purple clad emo. Was this about fourth period?

"Hey, uh..." Roman looked extremely nervous, which was really weird considering that Roman wasn't even nervous during the school shooter drill, and everyone was nervous during that. The principal was an a** and didn't tell anyone that it was a drill, and instead let everyone believe that they might die. Yeah, that was fun. But even during that, Roman was the one who blocked the door instead of hiding. But talking to Virgil made him nervous?! No way.

"Yes?" Virgil was starting to get a little impatient. It wasn't because he didn't like Roman, Roman was an ok guy, it's just that Virgil really wanted to get home so he could talk to Princey.

"Sorry, um, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something...sometime? Like, with me- uh- like, just us, doing something? Together?"


"Are you...asking me on a date?" Virgil wasn't sure if this was a trap or not. Roman was a great actor, but this felt way too real.

"I- yeah. If-if you want to, obviously. I mean, why would you go if you didn't want to, that's just- sorry I'm rambling." Oh my god. Roman King just asked Virgil Picani on a date.


Was that why he was staring at him in fourth period? Holy s**t.

Did Virgil want to? I mean, he has a crush on his best friend, who probably lives hundreds of miles away, and already has a crush on someone else, but...Roman is really nice, Virgil couldn't deny that.

"Sure." SURE?! Virgil, what are you thinking?! What about Princey?!

"O-Oh! Really?" Roman's face immediately lit up. Oh no. It was really cute. How could Virgil fall for another guy this quickly? Was he that desperate?

"Uh, yeah, could be fun or whatever..."  Virgil was mostly just mumbling to himself, but Roman seemed ecstatic.

"Ok! Uh, here!" Roman handed Virgil a small note card that had a phone number on it. "Here's my number! Uh, text me later?"

"Yeah." Oh my god, Virgil, no.

"Awesome! Talk to you soon!" Roman ran out of the hallway towards the buses.

Oh god. What had Virgil just gotten himself into?

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