I Guess We're Going With This.

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Summary: Virgil realizes how short he is (and also gets his crap together), and Patton finds out that he has a thing for intimidating guys.


It was at the end of the school day when Virgil had found Patton again.

He had seen Patton's bright blue cat sweater from within the herd of students, and practically swam to get over to Patton's locker.

"Patton!" Virgil exclaimed, though, it was pretty hard to hear over the entire school in one hallway.

Patton turned away from whoever he was talking to, and immediately hugged Virgil.

Virgil stood stiffly for a moment before awkwardly hugging back. He didn't quite understand why Patton was hugging him, but he didn't mind too much. Though, he would never admit that.

Patton eventually pulled away from Virgil with a concerned look on his face. "Virgil! How did it go? Did Roman take it well?"

Oh. That's why he was hugged.

"Um, about that..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but, Roman did not take it well." The person who Patton was talking to before Virgil suddenly spoke up.

"Oh no! Virgil, you did let him down gently, didn't you?"

Virgil looked behind Patton to see the taller figure, who was wearing glasses similar to Patton's, with a NASA hoodie and matching galaxy converse shoes. Ah. A geek.

"Well...I didn't let him down...at all." Virgil confessed slowly. Patton had a vaguely confused expression, and the NASA nerd behind him looked...upset?

"Oh, Virge! What happened?"

"Excuse me," Loser, Geek, Whatever interrupted. "What is this talk about letting Roman down?"

Virgil suddenly recognized who Pocket Protecter was: Logan Barry. Roman's best friend. And they were just talking about breaking up with Roman in front of him.

Virgil was screwed.

"It's...a personal thing, sorry." Virgil mumbled, and he suddenly felt very small compared to the tall -and apparently, very intimidating- Logan.

"Well, what were you talking about, Lo?" Patton jumped in, possibly saving Virgil from being squashed, even though Patton was a flea compared to both of them.

Logan sighed and pushed up his glasses; possibly a nervous habit? "The lead. He didn't get it, and is absolutely devastated. He'll probably never stop complaining about it."

Virgil was immediately shocked. Roman didn't get the lead? Roman always gets the lead! How did Virgil miss that?

Ah, right. He missed it because of his internal panic in fourth period.

"Is he ok?" Virgil suddenly asked.

"Most likely. All he did was complain about it, so I doubt there's any actual 'sorrow in his heart'." Logan used air quotations, meaning he was probably quoting something that Roman had said while complaining. "Now, back to what you were saying, Patton?"

Damn, seems like Logan wasn't going to let this go. Guess he's super protective over Roman.

Patton shifted uncomfortably. "Well, like Virgil said, it's kinda personal..."

"Not if you two are going behind Roman's back." Logan's voice was suddenly a lot more hostile, which made Virgil shrink in his hoodie.

"Listen Lo, we-"


"R-Right... Well- um- it really is- um-" Patton's entire face was burning a fiery red. Yeah, Virgil was going to have to step in to save Patton here.

"Do you know where Roman is right now?" He interrupted Patton's stammering.

Logan looked to Virgil with an indecipherable look on his face, before sighing again. "Probably in the chorus room getting his script."

"Great, thanks." Virgil started to venture towards the chorus room before turning back to face Patton and Logan. "See you later, Patton."

"Good luck, Virge!" Virgil was going to ignore the blush on Patton's face; that was a question for later.


Virgil eventually made it through the crowd without getting trampled, and found himself in the chorus room.

He kind of hoped that Roman wouldn't be in here, but if he wasn't, that meant he would have to call the date off over text, and that was just rude. Even when breaking up with someone, you have to have standards.

Virgil walked into the chorus room, and sure enough, Roman was over by the table with the scripts.

"Roman?" Roman immediately jumped, obviously not expecting anyone else to be here. He brought a hand up to wipe off something on his face before turning to look at Virgil.

"V-Virgil! Hey!" Roman's make up looked a little smudged, but Virgil didn't think much of it.

"Hey." Virgil walked to the table where Roman was before putting his hood up. "Um...I need to talk to you."

Roman's expression turned a little more serious. "About?"

God, this was hard. "T-The date. I don't...well, I just-" Virgil's eyes shifted towards the floor instead of the actor in front of him. "I...can't go on a date with you."

Roman looked confused for a moment. "...We need to reschedule?"

Virgil realized that he did not want to see Roman sad at all, but this was for the best, it had to be. "N-No, I mean that I can't go on the date with you because...I have feelings...for someone else..."

"...Oh." Virgil finally looked back up to Roman, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Well, why didn't you tell me yesterday? When I asked?"

"I um- I sorta panicked, and I wasn't thinking when I said yes to that...I'm really sorry. But I was thinking that maybe we could still go as-as friends? I-I know you wanted-"

"Yeah, of course! Though, if we're going as friends, we should invite more people! Like maybe Logan and his cru- uh- Patton!"

"Oh y-yeah, definitely! S-So, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Well this wasn't awkward.

"Ok...um- bye?"


Virgil walked out of that classroom as fast as he could without running. God, that was a nightmare, but at least it wasn't a date anymore.

As soon as Virgil got out of the school, Princey messaged him.

princeofyourdreams: the date was called off, he doesnt like me


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