Emotional Support Friend

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Summary: Virgil tries to take advice, but apparently he's not good at that either. Also, dash of Patton angst.


Virgil was nervous as hell.

He was going to talk to someone he barely knows, vent about two guys, and ask for some kind of advice. Why? Because Virgil has no friends and is desperate for help.

Virgil walked into art class with his hands shoved far into the void that is his pockets. He saw Patton Hart sitting in his usual seat, right next to Virgil's.

With a deep breath, Virgil sat down next to Patton.

"Hey Virgil! ...You ok?" Oh god, was it that obvious?

"Oh- um..." Virgil tried to think of some kind of lie, but he knew he needed help with this situation, and Patton was the only option he had. "You want the honest answer?"

Patton looked a little concerned, but put on a soft smile for Virgil. "Of course! Whatever you need to talk about, I'm always right here, ok?"

God, how was Patton this supportive to someone he barely knows?

Virgil held his head in his hands, which were propped on the desk, and took a deep breath before continuing. "I need...advice, and you're really the only person I can go to right now. I know that sounds pathetic, but my parents would get overly excited and my only friend is part of the problem, so...?"

Patton looked surprised, but still comforting and supportive. "Oh! Well, what do you need advice on?"

Virgil sighed again. "There's-" The school bell always had the worst timing. Virgil let his head fall to his desk.

"Virge, we can talk at lunch if you still need it?"

"Yes please."


The first three periods flew by pretty fast, much to Virgil's relief.

Virgil took a quick scan of the lunchroom to see Patton enthusiastically waving at him from across the cafeteria. One part of him was embarrassed of all the people that could see that, though, he didn't know why he would be embarrassed. Another part of him was happy that someone treated him like a best friend that they'd had for years. It was welcoming.

That's how he would describe Patton! Someone who was welcoming of almost anyone, like a human version of 'home'.

He walked over to Patton's lunch table to find that Patton was sitting alone. Virgil always thought that Patton would be the one that everyone would want to hang around with, but turns out that maybe he was wrong.

Maybe that's why Patton was always so friendly. He was trying to make a friend too.

Virgil sat down next to Patton and opened his lunch box, eating and hoping to prolong the inevitable conversation. Patton seemed to pick up on this and started eating his lunch as well.

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence -well, as silent as a full lunchroom could be- then Virgil decided that he should probably talk about what he came here to talk about.

"So...I guess I need advice on..." Virgil took another deep breath. "Two guys."

"As in, they're mean to you, or, you have a crush on them?"

Virgil groaned, then buried his head in his arms, almost becoming one with the table. "Crush."

"Aww Virgil! That's great! Who are they?"

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