Chapter 3: Day of Rest

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*7 years later. . .*

  Athena rested in her chambers in Mount Olympus. She's been away from the Mortal realm for some time to handle her duties there. Feeling something poke at her face, she quickly grabs the hand as her eyes weakly open.

Nike: Good morning Athena.

Athena: Nike? What are you doing here?

Nike: I should be asking you the same thing. You've been away from the mortal realm for a while. Aren't you helping raise (Y/N)?

Athena: He's seventeen now. He should be able to handle himself along with his father. 

  Nike sit's on the side of the bed looking over her.

Nike: It would be easier if you just gave him something that could keep tabs on him. He is kind of important after all. But, what's he like? Like if you had to compare him since the last time you saw him? When even was the last time you saw him.

  Athena lays on her back in thought. These past years felt like days to her, but they were different, making them stand out in her mind by just a bit.

Athena: He's beautiful, he's smart, strong, rebellious, stubborn, but also mysterious to some degree. 

Nike: Right. From what I've seen of him, he is really handsome. . . you think he's single?

Athena: Ask Aphrodite. She's been telling me about possible loves for him. The worst part is she even put Artemis on that list. If those two ever met, I can't tell who would be a bigger pain in who's ass.

  Nike chuckled a bit.

Nike: How many other gods know that he's Nyx's son?

Athena: Everyone knows. Well, most of everyone. The only ones ho don't know are Artemis, Apollo, Ares, and a handful of others.

Nike: So what, he's your son for the time being?

Athena: It's safer that way. While I trust Aphrodite not to tell anymore people, it's better that when he finds out who he is, he finds out from me or you.

Nike: Yeah. Though, you think he's safe, without you?

Athena: He's fine. No monsters attack humans these days, if there are any monsters out there anymore at all. But if he does get attacked, I'll know.

Nike: You think he can defend himself? Without you, or a weapon. With demigods in the world now, their blood could draw trouble.

  Athena though it over a bit, turning to the closet door in her room for a bit, then looking back to Nike.

Athena: But why did you come here?

Nike: Oh right, your father wanted to speak with you regarding other matters. 

  Athena let out a groan as she stood up, fixed her hair to the best of her ability and stormed out. Groggily waling down the halls past many other gods. Letting out a yawn. 

  The top of Mount Olympus where the gods resided looked amazing, rich, and straight out of ancient Greece. Resting high above the clouds like a grand citadel or palace. Athena walked through the gilded halls being greeted by other gods as she walked.

Hermes: Morning Athena.

Athena: Greetings Hermes.

Aphrodite: Looking radiant as always Athena.~

Athena: You too Aphro.

Demeter: Good Morning Athena.

Athena: Good morning Demeter.

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