Chapter 15: The Hunting Grounds

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  The next morning, everyone awoke and was once again on the move.

  Because of your second skirmish with Artemis, you had to heal your wounds. Luckily, the white magic you went over with Serena before could be applied to your blood magic. Making you easier to heal. It's still slow but faster than average.

  As you walk, you can feel Artemis staring at you from behind. Not in any way if just, but as if she was examining you.

Iris: You okay, Artemis? You've been staring at him more than usual.

Artemis: Hmm? Oh no. I'm fine. Just... making sure he's alright.

  Iris stared at Artemis for a but, placing her hand upon her forehead.

Artemis: What?

Iris: Are you well?

Artemis: Yes, I am. Just... I don't know. I feel different about him.

Iris: Geez, are you sure you aren't ill?

Artemis: Nows not the time anyway. We've arrived.

  You look up and see the forest before you. It was vast and grand. It looks like the Grove but a lot more wild. Everyone gathers together as Artemis announces the hunt.

Artemis: Attention! Everyone, this is the place of your grand hunt. Inside these woods, you will be tasked to remain until the target is dealt with. Once it is exterminated, then a horn will sound that will send a call, radiating through the woods alerting you all of the end of the hunt.

  You stare at your grimoire for a moment, realizing that you may be at a slight disadvantage. Seeing how the others had much more fitting weapons.

Artemis: The rules go as follows. Anything goes, hunt the beast by any means, but do not kill one another, hunt what you need, and if you feel anytime that you are unable to continue or get injured, just blow this whistle. Iris will fly in and take you out safely. Or just return to us here if you aren't in any immediate danger. Use the weapons you have been blessed with by your parents. Also, the victor is whoever lands the killing blow. Don't cheat. We will know who landed the blow. Any questions?

  You notice Serena raised her hand.

Serena: Are there any other beasts just as dangerous in the forest?

Artemis: Not as dangerous, but still predators. But nothing too out of sorts. Anything else?

  No hands were raised.

Artemis: Alright, now everyone, line up and receive your whistle.

  Everyone follows her instruction. You feel hands on your shoulders, turning to see Harper.

Harper: Geez, what happened to you? Your cheek looks like you got hit by a rock.

  Harper's hand lightly caresses your cheek, but you brush off his hand.

Y/N: I was just training and got hurt. Don't worry about me. We need to worry about our strat when we go in. I can tell some are already gonna partner up. But some are already thinking of claiming the prize for themselves.

Xavier: He's right. Personally. I don't care which of us get it. I just want to get this hunt over with.

  You and the group grab your whistles. You go over to Serena to see her already talking with other girls. One of them being Theo.

  Thinking originally to ask her to be on your team. But it seemed that she had her own ways to handle the coming threat.

Y/N: Hmm, I guess she has her own plans.

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