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A Long Time Ago...

"Oh mighty Dark Lord, please, spare my wife and take her son's soul instead. I beg of you." The man pleaded at the feet of the dark angel.

The very first fallen angel himself only looked down at the human man in boredom. This wasn't the first time he had been offered a soul in exchange for another, and it also wasn't the first time that he had accepted such a proposal. This time, however, the situation was entirely different, and he was more than ready to accept. But before he did, he thought he could find some entertainment in the information that he was about to reveal to the human.

"Her son hm?" He walked around the man, "Is he not your son as well?"

"Y-yes, and no. He is my son, and I am his father by blood. But his actions and behaviors as of late have demonstrated otherwise."

"How so?" The dark angel inquired.

"Harry has never truly been a good boy. Since he was able to, he always fought and caused danger and harm to those around him, especially his mother and I." The human stated, gesturing to the woman who laid limp in his arms, "He's the reason she's like this. He hurt her, his own mother and he dared to lay a finger on her after the multiple times that she's saved him throughout his life and this is how he repays her!" He shouted in anger.

The dark angel cackled loudly in response, making the house shake with him.

"You humans truly have proved to be both pathetic and entirely too gullible for your own good, and one day, it will be the reason for your undoing." He sneered at the man.

"You see, this entire situation has given me an entertainment I genuinely wasn't seeking today. So as a gesture of my thanks, I'll provide for you some information that that whore of a woman you have in your arms wouldn't ever dare to tell you, not even in death."

The man instantly felt fury at the insult that was thrown at the woman, and he wanted nothing more than to declare otherwise. But he also knew that one wrong word could be enough reason to lead him and the woman he loved to face the dark angel's wrath, and that was the very last thing that he wanted. He just wanted Harry gone and out of his and her lives and for her to be fully brought back to life so he could be in peace with the woman he loved and with Harry far away for all eternity. So, the man only stared in fear and caution in return to the dark angel.

The dark angel smiled sadistically, "The boy is not your son. He is mine."

The man felt all the blood leave his body as his eyes widened in shock and his skin grew pale, "H-how is that possible?"

"Your precious little wife here summoned me one night. Begging for power to use how she wanted it and whenever she wanted it. Didn't you know that the woman in your arms has practiced witchcraft since she was a young teenage girl?" The dark angel taunted.

The man could only continue to stare up at the dark angel in complete shock and disbelief, which only made the dark angel's smile grow wider.

"Well," He chuckled, "turns out she was both ambitious and horny that night. There wasn't a second where she wasn't bouncing around on my cock. All while you were in your own home, peacefully sleeping and completely unaware that the love of your life was fucking around with Lucifer himself."

Ungodly {H.S. Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now