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“Lexie?” someone shook me.

“Yeah?” I mumbled sleepily.

“Long time no see.” I heard the husky voice whisper.

“Hey Lauren…” I yawned. My eyes shot open and I sat up. “Lauren!”

I threw my arms around her and she chuckled. I felt her kiss my temple. “Hey there.”

“What- When did you get here?” I asked as I pulled away.

“An hour ago. Demi wanted to let you sleep.”

“Lexie! Lauren! We’re going out for breakfast!”

“Coming!” I yelled and threw the covers off me. I could finally leave my bed and trust me, it’s heaven. I took my shirt off not caring that Lauren was there. I mean, it wasn’t like she hasn’t seen it before.

My stomach was slightly larger because I was so skinny when I actually got pregnant.

“Hey Lex?” Lauren asked.


I felt her hands on my hips and I remembered the cuts I made. “Why?”

“I’m not even sure anymore.” I sighed and turned around in Laurens arms, smiling. “But I don’t do it anymore.”

“What changed?” She asked.

I looked at my stomach then back up at her. “I just became… happy.” I leaned in slightly. When she didn’t stop me, I captured her lips with mine.

Lauren pushed me away after a couple of seconds. “Lex… I can’t.” She looked down.

“Oh, right… Brad.” I turned around and kept getting dressed.

“Excuse me?”


“Coming!” I yelled and ran out of the room with Lauren in tow.

“You ready?” Demi asked and hugged me.

“Yup.” I popped the P.

We all piled into the car and bought some food for us to take to the park as I requested.

We all sat at the picnic table and soon I was done eating.

“Hey, Lex can we talk?” Lauren asked me and I nodded and stood up.

We walked to the swings and I sat down. “What did you want to talk about?”

“You know I missed you…”

Cue pregnancy hormones. “Why won’t you tell Brad that?”

“Why are you always talking about Brad!”

“Because you’re seeing him!” I yelled and Lauren had a shocked expression. “I saw that you kissed him straight after you went to LA again.” A few tears slid down my cheeks. “I don’t even know what I was thinking… you never liked me.”

“Lexie, of course I do!” She said and grabbed my hand.

“Then prove it!” I yelled and looked at her. “Kiss me… there must be some paparazzi around. If you’re not embarrassed of being seen with me then kiss me.” She didn’t move. “That’s what I thought.”

“Lex, it’s not that simple. If people found out I was dating a girl…”
“Then what Lauren?!” I yelled. “It’s not their choice who you date! It’s yours.”

“I just want them to be happy…” She whispered.

“What about me? No… What about you?” I asked. “Their opinion doesn’t matter… your opinion does.” She was silent and I looked down. “Just leave Lauren.”

“Lexie, don’t…”
“Lauren, please just go.” I sobbed.

I heard her sigh and she kissed my head before walking away.

“Hey…” I heard Maddie’s voice on the swing next to me.

“Hi Mads.” I looked up at her with puffy eyes.

“You okay?” She asked and I nodded, wiping my cheeks. “Hormones?”

I chuckled. “You could say that.” I smiled at her.

“I can’t wait to be an aunt.” She said.

“This baby will be so lucky to have you as an aunt Mads.”

“Well it’ll be lucky to have you as a mom.” She took my hand in hers. “Hey isn’t that some people from your school?”

I looked up and saw Jackie and her little crew walk over to us. “Mads, go back to mom.”


“Just do it Madison!” I yelled and her eyes widened as she ran away.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” Jackie said as she and the other people surrounded me.

“Nice seeing you again Jackie.” I said sarcastically.

“Don’t play smart with me bitch.” She said and I felt a sharp sting on my cheek.

I slowly turned my head to look at her. “Why are you doing this?”

“Well a little birdie told me you landed Tanner in jail.” She said and I looked down. “Well lying is a sin and sinners deserve to be punished.”

I felt someone kick my back and I fell off the swing and onto the ground.

I put my hands over my abdomen to try and shield the baby but I still felt a lot of kicks come in contact with it.

“Hey!” I heard Demi’s voice. “Get off of her!” I felt the kicks stop and I heard them run away. “Lexie! What happened?”

“I don’t know…” I whimpered as pain shot through my stomach. “I tried to protect it Dem, I really did.”

“I know you did baby.” She said and I shut my eyes closed and clutched my stomach as I felt another wave of pain.

“What’s happening?” I heard my mom’s voice.

“I don’t know but we’re taking her to the hospital.” I felt Demi’s hand slide under my knees and I was lifted up and carried to the car. Mom drove while I sat in Demi’s lap in the backseat with a panicking Dallas in the passenger seat and a very confused Lauren beside us.

“Dallas, call Dr. Wright.” Mom said.

“What is going on?” Lauren said.

I felt something wet in my pants and Demi moved me. “Mom!” Demi yelled and mom looked at us at a red light.

“Dallas, tell them to have a sonogram ready.” Mom ordered. I looked down and saw red stains on both mine and Demi’s pants.

“Why do they need a sonogram?” Lauren asked.

“She’s pregnant.” Demi said.

“Wh- how?” Lauren asked.

I just shook my head and sobbed into Demi’s chest. “We’re not talking about it now.”

The car came to a stop and Demi ran into the hospital with me in my arms. I was put on a bed and Dr. Wright came over.

“What happened?” he asked.

“We went to the park and the next thing I know is Lexie getting beaten by some girls.” Demi said.

I grabbed my stomach again and whimpered. “Lexie, I’m going to have a look okay?” Dr. Wright said and I nodded. He pulled up my shirt and I heard a few gasps come from my family. I looked down and saw bruises starting to form.

I hissed in pain when he put gel on my stomach. “Careful!” Mom yelled.

I felt him go around my stomach. “Come on, come on.” He whispered over and over again. Then he sighed.

“No heartbeat.”

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