eleven 🦩

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izzy wondered when she was going to stop moving alot. she wanted to be in one place for a few years - not move cities all the time.

when was she going to stop? from new york to los angeles, then los angeles to paris - and now paris back to los angeles.

the main reason why she didn't really want to go back to los angeles was that she could see daniel again.

he played with her feelings. sleeping with someone then not talking after it, really? what type of bullshit was that?

izzy sighed and drove herself to the moving company's store to pick up some fucking boxes for her stuff.


before walking into the store for the boxes, just next to it was a liquor store. and izzy being izzy - walked into the store and bought some.

she drank the whole thing in one big gulp, and slurred her way to the store for her boxes - without realising someone was watching her.

she walked down the aisles of the store looking drunk because she was. she grabbed seven boxes and threw them into her cart.

izzy was done and walked to the check out area to buy the seven boxes.


"that will be twenty one euros please." the cashier said to izzy. "twenty one euros?" izzy slurred. "why is it that much? it should be seven euros - what bullshit is this?"

the cashier was taken aback. "i'm sorry ma'am but it's three euros per box. if you want, we'll take them back and you can go to another store then." 

"you know what? i will. this store is horrible-" izzy started throwing her hands everywhere.

izzy then saw a hand giving the cashier money and dragging izzy away. "what the fuck? let go of me i swear-" izzy said looking at the person.

a boy was under the hood. izzy looked closer and saw the ocean blue eyes that reminded her of someone.

"why do you look like my ex boyfriend?" izzy said drunkenly. "you know, fun fact - i still love him. he was my everything, then he dumped me for his bitchy ex! seriously i'm telling you and daniel seavey-?!" 

"that's me." daniel said pulling izzy closer to him. "why'd you pay for me and shit?" izzy said. daniel didn't reply but simply took izzy's car keys from her and opened the car door and sat her down in the passenger seat.

he then walked over to the other side and sat down. "why are you drunk?" he asked looking at her.

"oh, relax hottie. i'm drunk because i am. got a fucking problem?" izzy said with sass. "don't give me attitude." daniel said sternly.

"i can give you what i want. one, you didn't believe me when i said that bitch was cheating on you. two, i was right. three, i fucking had sex with you and four, you didn't even say anything to me after that!" izzy cried.

izzy broke down with tears streaming down her face. daniel sighed, looking at the girl collapsing in front of him.

daniel had no choice but to wrap his strong arms around the girl. izzy melted more into the hug and then she stopped crying.

"why did you even come back or shit?" she asked sniffing. "i forgot something at the concert venue, so i had to come back." daniel said chuckling.

"oh." was all izzy said before silence fell upon them. "do you like me daniel? or are you playing with my feelings?' she asked.

"i do like you, maybe still love you - but i just literally broke up with ainslee-" izzy tensed up at the name.

"- and so, i need some more time." daniel continued, sighing. "that's fine. as long as we together or something." izzy mumbled.

"anyway, why do you have all these boxes?" daniel asked looking at the back seat where the boxes were placed.

"oh, i have to move to los angeles for my job." izzy said proudly. "izzy - that's amazing! i was actually unsure about our situation because i'm in los angeles and you would be in paris." daniel said.

"yeah, and now we can see each other again!" izzy said cheering up instantly. "okay, so i have to go and start packing." 

"um, yeah but i have to go back to germany to perform." daniel said frowning. "awe, that's okay." izzy said.

"i don't know, but anyways my uber to the airport is literally right there, so um love - i have to go." daniel said pecking izzy's lips and giving her a squeeze.

"i'll see you in los angeles." daniel said getting out. "yeah. of course." izzy smiled. the alcohol wearied of, and izzy knew exactly what she was doing. 

"bye!" daniel yelled from a few metres away.

 izzy said nothing, but smiled at him and blew him a kiss.



dizzy is back (sort of)

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