twenty nine 🦩

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"izzy! izzy please wake up!" 

izzy stirred awake. "where am i?" she asked. she squinted her eyes at the brightness of the room. 

she fully opened her eyes and looked down. she was on a white hospital bed, but it wasn't so white because there was red blood all over the bed.

she gasped and turned to look at everyone standing in front of her. there were quite alot of people there.

the boys, gabriela, tatum, anna and kay where all staring back at her. no one said anything for a while.

"what the hell happened? it feels like someone threw a hammer at my head." izzy groaned and rubbed the back of her head.

no one responded and it annoyed izzy. "can someone please tell me what in the world happened? why is there blood all around me?" she said.

"well - see." kay said awkwardly. "oh! i can't say it! someone else say it for me!" "i'll do it." zach said. "so what happened was um, look -"

"oh my god. just shut up. she deserves the fucking truth. - what happened was you fell on a step and landed on your stomach." jonah said,

"what?! is my baby okay?!" izzy cried. she then looked down and saw all the blood around her and jonah saying she fell on her stomach.

everyone shook her head sadly. "no it's not okay." tatum said softly. "my baby! my girl! she's - she's dead!" izzy said, crying.

"it will be okay!" gabriela said trying to comfort the girl. "are you serious right now? it's going to be okay? gab - my baby just died! you don't know what the fuck that feels like! it won't be okay!" izzy sobbed.

"i'm sorry." gabriela said sadly. but izzy didn't respond. she cried and cried and put a hand on her stomach where the baby would of been.

suddenly a doctor walked in. 

"oh, um. i presume she might know about her loss." the doctor said. everyone nodded. "i feel very bad for her." 

"don't we all." corbyn said dryly. daniel hadn't said anything, but he felt somewhat happy with the predicament. 

he just didn't show his happiness. 


"oh, my baby! it will be okay." christina cooed while hugging izzy tightly. she had flown in from new york when corbyn told her izzy had woken up. 

"why did she die? i had a miscarriage! i'm probably not strong enough or the baby didn't want me as a mum or - or." izzy trailed off. 

"don't say that. you are strong enough, and i'm sure you would be a great mum." christina said sternly.

"but she died! my baby fucking died!" izzy cried. "i know she did. but this will make you only stronger." christina said awkwardly.

she didn't even know how to comfort her friend because she didn't know anyone else apart from izzy that had a miscarriage.

this miscarriage obviously affected izzy because even though the baby wouldn't of had a dad, she still loved it.


"hey izzy." daniel said, walking into izzy's apartment. "oh - hey daniel." izzy said with no emotion.

"what's up?" daniel asked casually. "what's up?! WHAT'S UP?! you're seriously asking me that? when my baby died a few days ago? you just walk in here saying 'hey izzy, what's up'?"! izzy somewhat yelled.

"i know! i'm sorry - i didn't mean to." daniel said. "whatever. you probably don't even care about the baby." izzy muttered.

daniel didn't say anything. he didn't actually care about the baby, but he cared for izzy.

he stood there awkwardly for a few minutes. 

"you know daniel, i think we should break up." izzy said simply. "wait - what? why?" daniel asked. 

"because - i don't know! something's been off since i found out i was pregnant." izzy said honestly.

daniel remained quiet which signalled he thought the same for izzy. "yeah...maybe we should break up." he said.

"well, um bye." daniel said and walked out.

izzy sighed and went back to watching netflix, with tears streaming down her face. 


well um-

daniel and izzy broke up-


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