twenty six 🦩

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the girls left, and izzy slumped onto the couch, rubbing her tummy. she wasn't mad about the baby, she was just concerned about the baby's father. 

alex would for sure not be in the baby's life, and daniel could obviously leave her. she'd read things about baby daddy's leaving because they found out their girlfriends were pregnant. 

izzy opened up her phone and stared at the lock screen wallpaper. it was a picture of her and daniel, on one of their dates. 

both of them were so happy that day.


"izzy, you need to come to the police station, now." corbyn said. izzy had just woken up the next day to find corbyn spamming her phone with missed calls.

"what? what the fuck is wrong?" izzy yelled. "calm down, and come right now. come in your pyjamas! just come!" corbyn said.

"fine, fine. i'm coming you dick." izzy said and hung up. izzy walked into the kitchen, got herself some water and grabbed her car keys.

she quickly looked at herself in the mirror and saw her hair had saw her hair was all over the place, her pyjamas were crinkled and she had red eyes. 

her gaze trailed down to her stomach and saw a tiny bump there. "oh my god." izzy whispered.  "i'm really pregnant."

corbin 🗑️

where tf are u? come NOW!

daniel's gorl 😍



"what is the problem?" izzy asked. she walked into the station, and saw corbyn, jonah, zach and jack sitting around a table.

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