thirty seven 🦩

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"where are you taking me?" i asked. jack and i were in his car driving somewhere. apparently he saved me from killing some guy.

"you could've gotten badly hurt." he growled, ignoring my question. "but i didn't." i said cockily. jack tore his gaze away from the road and glared at me.

"don't show that attitude." he said swiftly. and it was silence again. "okay...but where are you taking me? and why were you at that club?" i pestered.

"isabella. stop asking so many questions." jack said using my full name. i scoffed and turned to look at los angeles in the night time.

all those wonderful lights on the buildings makes it look magical. 

i've always liked big cities. the idea of living in a rural place in the middle of the country where your neighbours are like kilometres down the road frightens me. 

i guess i got that because i grew up in new york. a big city. the city that never sleeps. and it's true - there's always something fun happening. always and event you could go to at any time of the day.

as teenagers, christina and i used to experience new york with everything. we used to go out with a few of our other high school friends.

until we started getting older and work came in our way. christina got a boyfriend, her channel was succeeding and i was doing my model work.

sometimes i wonder what life would be like if i wasn't really "famous." would it be fun? would i be bored?

"were here." jack said interrupting my thoughts floating inside my head. "why are we at your apartment?" i asked looking around. jack shrugged. "i don't know, i guess i thought we could catch up?"

"sure." i said and followed him to the elevator. jack pressed the fourth floor and it was an awkward slience between us.

i mean - jack and i had never hung out before. always with the others. why start now? i put that question at the back of my mind and walked out the elevator.

i started walking to my right when i heard i cough. i turned and saw jack standing in the other side of the corridor. "my room is this way." he said.

"oh." was all i said when my face flushed with bright red. jack chuckled and followed after me. it was kinda hot, not gonna lie.

wait. what am i saying?! jack's hot? no he's dating gabriela, i can't think that...


"hey, want something to drink?" jack asked as we sat on his couch. "nah, i'm good actually can i have some water?" i asked as i changed my mind.

"sure, i'll get some for you." jack said and left the room. i could hear him grabbing a glass. i looked around his apartment.

it was modern. there were many photos up on his walls of his family and the boys. the album covers and tour pictures.

a couple of photos with fans were around too. i bet those fans would freak if they knew they were on jack avery's wall.

there were fake plants here and there too. i noticed there was a picture of him with gabriela and lavender.

"here you go." jack said placing a glass of water in front of me. "thanks." i said and shot him a grateful smile.

"oh, by the is gabs and lav?" i asked tilting my head towards the photo frame next to the plant.

jack glanced at that then quickly grabbed the frame and put it away. i frowned at his actions but said nothing about them.

"lavender is amazing. she's my rock. love her smile." jack said smiling at the thought of his daughter. 

"and gabbie? how's everything with her?" i asked. "well, me and gabbie are kind of not going great. we've been fighting alot." jack said glancing at me then looking away.

"oh. but...couples fight? it's common. there's always rough patches in a relationship-" "yeah, but in the three years of us dating, this is too much!" jack said cutting me off.

i kept quiet, not wanting too add more. slience hung in the room like a knife. there was tension but not too much.

i wanted to know the reason why they've been fighting, but it's not my business. i'm not gonna be that nosy person.

"gabbie wants to move. to hawaii." jack said out of nowhere. "that means i can't see lavender that much if she does, gabbie said i'm being selfish because she wants her kids to grow up by the beach and shit. i mean there's fucking beaches in la! venice fucking beach?!" 

"calm down jack..." i said. "and you know what? she fucking said that i have enough money to throw around that i could get a fucking ticket whenever i wanted! i can't just walk out the studio and say 'bye i'm going to fucking hawaii for a few fucking days'! like i can't just nip there and back! whereas if she would fucking stay in la like a fucking sane person would, i could visit her more fucking often!" jack snarled. 

"she also fucking says that i don't take care of lavender that much, like excuse me! i have a fucking job that i need to do! i have fans that demand music! i'm not a fucking model like her that poses for a camera then that's my work done!" jack continued.

i sat there with my mouth wide open. gabriela is so humble. would she really say shit like that? but then again, jack doesn't lie.

"i get she's the one that gave birth, i get she's the one that had to go through that pain, i get she's the one that is receiving hate, but so am i? i've read comments saying how i'm a manwhore and i'm stupid to have a child. and how i'm too fucking young!" jack said on the verge of tears.

"and on top of that, i'm losing feelings for her, and now i like someone else! i have to tell her, or otherwise i'm gonna be the bad guy." jack finished.

"do i know her?" i asked weakly. "it may not be a girl." jack dryly chuckled at me. i gasped. "are you-"

"no! that was a joke, and you may not like me when i tell you who it is." he said. "who's the girl?" i asked.

jack looked straight at me.

"it's you, izzy."



well that took a fucking turn-

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ☾ daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now