sixteen 🦩

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"so, why'd you bring me up here?" izzy asked, putting a strawberry topped with cream in her mouth.

turns out, daniel had already planned this date, and stored some food before leaving the house that day.

"well, i wanted to talk about something. izzy - i don't know, for the past two years i thought something was missing. like a part of my soul disappeared, do you know who it was?" daniel said.

izzy knew the person was her, but she shook her head because she wanted daniel to say it was her.

"it was you." daniel simply said. "even though i was dating ainslee, there was something missing, and ainslee didn't give me that feeling - the way you did."

"i really missed you, izzy. i really did. i don't know why i broke up with you for ainslee. i never forgave myself after i realised it was you i wanted."

"so, when i saw you again that day - in paris, that feeling i was looking for immediately came back-"

izzy nodded, not knowing where this was leading to but she waited. "-and so i just wanted to say, i never stopped loving you, it was always you."

daniel then glanced at izzy's lips then looked back up to her eyes. he leaned in and gently kissed her.

the kiss was slow and passionate, almost like daniel was savouring izzy's lips. her lips tasted like mint, and they were very soft.

izzy pulled away from daniel and said, "i really love you too." 

"so, um-" daniel pulled out some roses, "will you be my girlfriend? again?" he asked. izzy smiled and jumped up.

"of course! i will!" izzy squealed and pulled daniel into a hug. "love you." he whispered into her ear.

"love you more." izzy whispered back. "what?! no! i love you more!" daniel said pulling away from the hug and pouting at the girl.

"impossible." izzy said.

 "anything's possible when i'm with you." daniel smiled, and kissed his new girlfriend softly.

later that day


"so, how's it going with my brother?" anna said wriggling her eyebrows at izzy.

izzy and anna were at venice beach in the evening, talking about life. izzy missed the genuine girl, and anna felt the same.

"he's going great." izzy smiled, looking at the sand. "he's never been so happy, you know - when you left, he would flop around the place." anna said sighing.

the youngest seavey had got over her parents divorced, and realising it's her parents choice. even though she was still annoyed she still loved her mom and dad the same.

anna then reached out to izzy, to fix their friendship, because before the whole "two years" thing happened, they both were really good friends.

"how's the moving in with you friends?" izzy asked politely. "they're great - but i miss living with mom." anna sighed.

izzy nodded, not knowing what else to say. the two girls sat in silence, looking at the sea with the calm waves going in and back out.

the ocean reminded izzy of someone very special, and every time she looked at the ocean it reminded izzy of him.

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