thirty eight 🦩

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"since when?" i asked softly, still shocked. "since you basically waltzed perfectly into our lives." jack said chuckling.

"what-" i said. "yeah, preposterous right? i've liked you for over two years. two fucking years." jack repeated.

"so...since new york?" i questioned. "yeah, when i first saw you in new york, i thought you were gorgeous. but christina wanted to pair you up with daniel. you had no idea how much i stared at you." jack said.

"but... but- you were with gabbie? and you liked me?" i said, not being able to form any words. "i couldn't get you out of my mind. guess what? gabbie and i had a fight one time and it was about you. she caught me staring at you and asked me about it, i couldn't tell her the truth. my feelings were all over the place." jack stated.

"jack. that's not fair to her. did anyone else know?" i asked. "i know its not fair. and corbyn knows. i made him promise not to tell anyone. especially you, daniel and gabbie." he said.

"daniel? why daniel-" "because you were dating him. if he knew that his best friend likes his girlfriend, he would flip. he would kill me." jack explained. 

i nodded, he would do that.

"so, um are you going to break up with-" "do you still like daniel?" jack said cutting me off from my sentence.

"jack...yes i do. i always will." i said looking down. "he's so toxic for you though! he's had like two fucking girlfriends even though the first one was cheating and now the other one is cheating!" jack said.

"i'm sorry what? tiffany or whatever her shitty name is, is cheating?! how do you know?" i asked. "i saw her. at the club. kissing some random guy, she seemed perfectly sober." jack said calmly.

"are you going to tell daniel?" was my first question. "am i? i don't know." jack said. "you should. he has to know." i insisted.

"it will break him." jack simply said. "obviously it will, but he has to know." i said. "why don't we follow her? to see?" jack randomly asked.

"wait, what? like fucking stalk her?" i said half laughing. "yeah, i mean to see if she's actually cheating." jack said.

"how will we know where the fuck she is?" i asked. jack shrugged. "i know where her apartment is because daniel took gabbie and i to it. we can wait outside behind one of those pot plants. it's a dumb idea but i want you to see it for yourself too." 

"fine. but we're gonna be waiting there for hours." i said grimly.


"there. that's her apartment. number thirteen on the second floor." jack said pointing to a door which had a '13' on the side of it.

"ha, thirteen is an unlucky number." i cackled. "okay...oh what?! they took the big pot away from here? where do we go now?" jack said distressed.

it was eight on a friday night. los angeles was cool and had a light breeze. "then where do we fucking hide or some shit?" i whisper-yelled looking around.

"no need for hiding, there's already a boy at the door." jack said. "what?!" i yelped turning to face her front door.

yup. right now there was a random boy knocking at her door. tuscany opened the door and kissed him full on the lips. i was speechless.

"did you get a photo?" jack asked looking at me. "what?" i said. he sighed. i was too shocked to take it.

"where's the fucking proof now?" jack sighed. "sorry." i said. "it's fine, what's another idea we could do?" jack mumbled.

jonah and corbyn would think of a marvellous idea, but they weren't here. it was jack who i was with.

"ooh! why don't we knock on her door?" jack suggested. "she wouldn't know it would be us." "yeah, yeah. because she'd still be kissing him while opening the door." i said sarcastically, but jack was already knocking on her door with his phone open on the camera.

"jack fucking avery." i mumbled while i got up and stood behind him. we waited for about ten seconds before the door opened.

as soon as it opened, jack snapped a picture, making sure the flash and sound was turned off. he didn't even know what he took a picture of but made sure he got one.

as if he was right, tuscany was standing there in barely any clothes with the boy behind her wearing no shirt. both of them had messed up hair and hickeys. the boy had some lipstick down on his chest. tuscany looked horrified.

"bingo." jack said, smirking.




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