thirty three 🦩

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the next day, izzy saw posts and posts of baby george on her explore page. she was even getting tagged in lots of them.

izzy sighed in annoyance as more tea pages popped up on her explore page - she wanted to block her tags but then remembered what happened to tatum and jack when they did that. more drama.

she refreshed her page, and saw daniel's post. of him and this girl.

the same girl izzy's been seeing in all his stories and posts.

izzy clicked on her tag, tuscany.lakes 

"one million followers." izzy muttered looking at tuscany's instagram profile. "not bad." izzy said and rolled her eyes.

she was pretty. too pretty.

after about twenty minutes looking through her feed, izzy rolled her eyes and threw her phone somewhere in the room. 

tuscany looked exactly liked daniel's type. and from what izzy was seeing, they were making their relationship very public.

izzy sighed and picked up her phone. she looked through her contacts to search for anna's name.

she needed a friend, and anna was the first one to come into her mind. 


can i come over please?


izzy waited for a few minutes to see if anna replied. which she didn't. she always replies fast. 

izzy sighed and got into her car, and drove off to anna's apartment where she shared it with her friend, malia.

she parked the car, but forgot her phone in the seat next to her.

izzy walked into the apartment complex, and into her floor level. izzy knocked once, and then after a few minutes when no one opened the door, she knocked vigorously. 

a scream then filled the air, and izzy immediately felt tense. what was that?

more screams were heard and izzy panicked. she tried to open the door, and it was open. since when does anna have her doors open?

izzy heard more screams and she broke into a run, trying to find anna's room. izzy walked past a room where she felt the presence of two people.

she looked in the room, and it looked like anna was on the bed. with someone on top of her.

"no, no please! don't do it!" anna begged. "shut up you slut." the boy said and slapped her, which to anna screamed at.

izzy widened her eyes in shock and walked softly to the living room where she dropped her purse.

she looked in it hoping to find her phone, but didn't see it anywhere. "fuck." izzy muttered and scanned around the room hoping to find a phone, not finding one she walked into the kitchen. 

opening the pantry cupboard, izzy looked down and saw where anna stored all of her knifes. she grabbed two and walked slowly to the room.

she walked in with her hands shaking.

the boy could feel some type of presence behind him, and turned around. izzy widened her eyes in shock.

that boy was alex. izzy's ex. the same person who raped her.

"you?" izzy whispered dropping the knifes in surprise. "isabella? joined the party have we, now?" alex said smirking.

"you disgusting piece of shit." izzy spluttered out. izzy heard anna whimper and got out of the bed. 

"you are going nowhere." alex said pointing a finger in anna's weak face. anna ignored him and went and stood next to izzy.

"thank you." anna said in a soft voice. "anytime." izzy said smiling at the girl.

"cool, cool. we get it." alex said, "now, i get double the fun." he said laughing.

izzy immediately looked down and picked up the knifes. "get the fuck away from us." izzy said pointing one at him and backing away slowly.

"oh, honey. you won't do that will you?" alex teased. "your just a weak little girl, shown for her body-"

izzy had enough. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then threw the knife somewhere on alex's body. 

anna gasped, and izzy opened her eyes and saw the knife landed on his upper torso. a deep cut. blood was rushing out.

izzy looked on with horror, while anna dashed to get the first aid kit. alex had his eyes drooped, and he looked weak.

"i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to!" izzy sobbed, anna came back and wrapped some thick bandage around his affected area.

"no, it's fine. i kind of deserved it anyway." alex said dryly chuckling. "i'm sorry you know. i didn't want to be a rapist." 

"well it's too late for that. i don't even know why i'm trying to help you." anna said rolling her eyes.

"i'm sorry, i wanted revenge on your brother when he beat me up." alex said sighing. "what? are you serious?" anna said, her very word laced with venom. 

"i don't even know why i'm here." anna said and walked out the room. izzy went back to alex, and continued wrapping bandage around him.

"izzy? there's no need for that." alex said. "what? what do you mean?" izzy asked, perplexed. 

"i mean, i feel like i'm dying." alex said softly. "no! please it's my fault! no! please don't die!" izzy said crying like crazy.

"i deserve it - deserve this. raping two people. it's not okay, i'm sorry." alex said and shut his eyes completely.

"no! it's all my fault!" izzy cried out loud while making herself into a ball, and crying oceans out her eyes.



well um-

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