Chapter 1

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Zoe's's POV-

I was going to be late. I knew this because school started in 5 minutes and I hadn't even left the house yet. It was the first day back after the summer break and I was already going to get my first late detention great.

"Mum could you hurry up!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs, fiddling with the ends of my hair.

"Well maybe Zoe, you shouldn't have missed your bus on the first day back because you went out to Micheal's last night and did't get back until 3am!" Mum said as she hurried down the stairs.

"I guess we lost track of time." I mumbled back to her. The reason I had got back so late was because Michael had been crying, after being dumped by his so called  'summer romance' Sophie. We decided to watch Disney films, so Michael would forget about her and we ended falling asleep watching Toy Story 2.

"Okay have you seen my keys." Mum asked, fiddling through her handbag.

"Nope, we don't have time for this mum hurry up!" I said, starting to get frustrated.

"Ah here they are." She said, reaching out her keys from her bag.

"Finally let's go!" I said grabbing out for the door.

By the time I got to school the end of registration bell was already ringing, I quickly rushed to my form room. Inside Miss French was already inside, sat on her desk in the empty classroom, drinking coffee. She looked over to me.

"Wow it's the first day and it already looks like you'll be spending a after school detention with me Zoe Coles. Registration started 15 minutes ago!" She said with her dull expression.

"Sorry miss I missed the-

"I don't want to hear your lousy excuses." She interrupted. "Anyway take this and go, I'll see you after school." She handed me my timetable.

Name- Zoe COLES

P1 - Creative writing R24

P2- Biology R51

P3- Art R43

P4- Maths R12

P5 - History R02

I looked at it and sighed. Just one more year and you'll be out of this shitty school. I thought to myself, walking out of the door to find room 24.

By the time I had reached my creative writing class I was already 10 minutes late. I pushed the door open. As I walked in 30 pairs of eyes were staring at me with dull faces.

"Nice of you to join us miss Coles." Miss Orchard said  with her arms crossed. I gave her a sarcastic smile.

"Well lucky for you there is one seat left right at the back in the corner." She said, pointing her long bony finger at the empty seat. 

Shit, I thought to myself. Sat next to the empty seat was the dirty blonde curly haired boy.  He was the boy who would hide away in his own little bubble. The boy who everyone tried there  best to avoid. The boy who would be called 'freak' or 'weirdo' daily. He was the outsider, Ashton Irwin.

I chucked my bag onto the floor and slumped down into my seat. I saw him moving his chair away from me, moving closer to the window.

"Pst Zoe." I looked over to the table beside mine. Calum Hood, one of the school's 'populars' was tapping onto my shoulder.

"What?" I hissed back at him.

"You got stuck next to the creep then." He said, making a dirty look toward Ashton.

"I know-"

"Zoey Coles and Calum Hood, what do you think you are doing?" Miss Orchard shouted at us.

 "Talking." Calum shrugged

"Am I going to have to move one of you?" She walked over to us.

My hand shot up. "I'll move miss." I offered.

"Okay then Calum could you swap places with Melissa please." She said, sarcastically smiling over to me.

"Okay class, may I just remind you that these are your pernament  seats for the rest of the year. There will be no seat changes unless I say so okay?"


"So anyway today I would like you to talk to your partner and get to know them a bit better as you will be doing some projects with them throughout the year."

I slid down into my seat, the rest of the class started chatting to each other. I started to fiddle with my hair, trying my best not to meet eye contact with him.

After a few minutes I finally decided to break the silence. "Hi I'm Zoe Coles." He stayed quiet. "Your Ashton Irwin right?" He nodded, still not saying anything.

He started to drum his fingers onto the table. "Are you a drummer?" I asked, there was still no reply. "You do realize you can talk to me you know?" He was really starting to annoy me.

"I know." He mumbled quietly.

"So why don't you."

"There's nothing to say." And with that we sat there for the rest of the lesson, ignoring each other.

When the bell finally rang, I clutched my bag and rushed out the room.


A/n- So this is the first chapter to my first fanfic, comment what you think about it. Thanks for reading :)

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