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It was a cold day, the snow piling up to his knees. It was infinitely deep, sucking his legs under in that wonderful icy feeling that warmed his soul. He looked back at his mother who waved at him from the living room window that pooled orange light onto the untouched white sheets of snow. Her smile was brilliant and cheerful, despite the worry behind her eyes. He had begged her for this and eventually gave in because this was his special day. Anything he wanted was his command, despite the little they had. Just today he had one wish. 

He got into the sleek car, closing the door and feeling the cool leather with his open palms, smiling at the person next to him. They were finally able to afford just one luxury. 

Then it moved, roaring to life. 

It was all a good time, watching the city whirl past him like an oil painting. 

Then he saw a blinding light and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground, drowning in the blood and snow, reaching out for a hand that would never come. 

Gavin sat up, gasping. His knuckles were white clutching the blankets, and sweat poured from him. He was alone in the cold, lifeless room that mirrored his own existence, choking on his own breath and wishing he was the one that never woke up.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of SuckinessWhere stories live. Discover now