Chapter 7

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Draco POV:

Picking up her fragile body, I rushed out, sprinting to the infirmary. I stared down at her bare arms, the purple bruises already forming up and down them, standing bright against her pale skin. I thought disgustedly of what Crabbe had done. I knew I wasn't the nicest person to exist, however I would never stoop down and do something as despicable as he had planned to do. My mind raced at the thought of the damage that stupid boy had already done. I knew I had saved her, yet I had seen I was too late. The pain had already been inflicted and I wondered if it could ever be repaired.

There was something strange about this girl. She seemed so delicate, yet if you looked deeper, you could seen that she had already been through so much more than people would think. And that hurt me terribly. Who would ever want to cause damage on her... I quickly cut that thought out before it could take root. Who wouldn't want to hurt her? I mean, she was a mistake after all, just a filthy little mudblood. Still, even with all these reasons, I felt myself become protective over her. But I had to push those feelings away, they were dangerous and in the end, would only cause unnecessary pain.

Holding her limp body in my arms, I studied her face. How delicate all her features were. Seeing her face truly relaxed, I could see how beautiful she actually was. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and without a wrinkle insight. But I knew that when she woke up and the terrors of tonight flooded back to her, her calm expression would soon be gone. I just wished that I was able to help her. But this was the most I could do. I couldn't associate with a mistake like her.  

Lying her down in the bed, Madame Pomfrey began fussing over her immediately. Carefully, I watched her every move, making sure she did not cause her anymore harm.

She tried shooing me out, but I refused. I just couldn't allow Jasmine to be alone. I was too scared something bad would happen to her. I needed to make sure that she was ok. Huffing, Madame Pomfrey walked away, but I just ignored her. She needed to get over herself.

Sitting down, I traced her hand in mine, oh how well they fit together, I thought longingly. But I quickly pushed that thought away. I would have done this for anyone else, it was the right thing to do. Jasmine wasn't any different. However no matter how much I tried to tell myself that lie, I knew it wasn't true. She just sparked something inside me. Something I was too scared to understand. 

Scared of this sudden feeling, I rushed out of the infirmary, giving the broken girl one last look. No matter how much I wanted it, I would never allow myself to have her. It would be a scandal. My father would never accept her, and I shouldn't either. But it's so hard, especially knowing she's off limits. I mean, I'm used to getting what I want. But I needed to move on and there was only one way I could do that, act like an even bigger bitch than I already had. I needed to make her hate me, even if I knew I could never hate her back. I just had to know that there were not going to be any chances to tempt me with. 

I sighed to myself, just the thought of hurting her, hurt me. But I had no choice. I guess pushing away my happiness was the price I had to pay for living in such a noble family like mine. 

I allowed myself to fall into a restless sleep.    

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