Chapter 11

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I sat in my bed, trying to figure out the stupid potions homework. Why was it so complicated?! When suddenly, Pansy burst in threw the dorm door.

Noticing that I was there, she began hurling insults at me, but I just stopped hearing them. It was like I had a filter in my mind that could block out harmful words whenever necessary. Not that it always worked.

"You are a filthy mistake, no one likes you. You do know that don't you?"

I refused to look up at her, I simply pretended that she didn't exist. However this only made matters worse.

"Look at me, you cow!"

I still continued to ignore her.

"I said look at me!" She demanded in a shrill voice. With that, she grabbed my potions book and slammed it on my face. I flinched at the contact, already feeling the bruise forming.

"That should teach you to never disrespect me!"

Smugly, she left the room. Leaving me trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks. What have I ever done to deserve this?


It was around midnight, and I couldn't sleep, my cheek was stinging terribly. But that was not what was stopping me from sleeping. Every time I shut my eyes, vivid images of my past flashed before me, and I couldn't make them stop. I was shaking terribly when I decided I couldn't stay trapped in my room anymore. I just had to get out to try and clear my head.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I noticed a mop of blonde hair sitting on the couch. Quickly, I tried to turn back, but I had already been noticed.

"What are you doing here?"

I slowly turned round to face, I shrugged my shoulders "I couldn't sleep."

"Come sit."

I hesitated. How could I trust him? How could I trust someone that has made my life a living hell? But he had saved me once, that must mean something...

"Come and sit down!" He demanded.

I gulped and went and sat down on the edge of the sofa, too scared to try and defy him.

"Who did that to you?" His voice was angry, causing me to flinch and shuffle back so that I nearly fell off the sofa. I guess that was just a reflex now. Noticing my fear, his voice softened.

"It's ok, you can tell me."

With a quivering voice I replied, "Pansy, why do you care any way? This is normal for me."


I fought the urge to slap him. What did he mean why. For the same reason that he did all the horrible things to me, because I was a mistake.

"I think you know why..." He looked taken aback. Obviously he knew what I meant but just refused to accept it. What a spoilt little snake.

With my sudden burst of rage, I carried on, "It's because you are all too blind too see the truth. You are all too bind to accept anyone that doesn't reach you're standards, anyone who is just a little bit different."

"Well why should I want to mix with someone like you!" he retorted angrily. I studied his face confused, one minute he was all caring and the next, he was back to his normal self. What was his problem?

Glaring at him, I turned and left, seriously, could I couldn't go anywhere without being disturbed. Seemed like fan behavior to be honest.

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