Too close for comfort (bad side only)

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Bad side only: good can still read this but I recommend not.

Finally class was starting for this art thingy. And once again it was raining. Of course even worse, Your phone was late on weather so it was unexpected rain. You had forgotten her jacket so now it was just cold.

What the heck, was it gonna start snowing now?! "Hey, Y/N, lets go before it gets cold" Nathan/Juleka told you. (Just depending on who you want to play as your crush).

They led you into the classroom and it was very quiet. Only two groups or ten people. You walk in and find everybody else sitting and working.

You finally take a seat. When you see Marinette bring back some hot chocolate. "Would you like some?" She asks you. You tell her yes or no: and she nods and sits back down.

"Y/N, you okay you look pretty cold?" Nathan/Juleka asks you. You nod and tell him/her your okay but he won't listen. So he gives you his jacket for you to wear. (Or the girl just gives you a hug to contain body heat. Anyways on with the story!)

"W-why thi-this. I'll be f-f-fine" you say through shivers. "No seriously, you keep it. It's cold today and your wearing short sleeves and some leggings (or jeans 😐). Here," he/she tells you putting the jacket around your shoulders.

"Th-thank you, Nathaniel," you tell him. "No problem, Y/N" he responded. You look around to see what the groups are working on but they already started.

A comic book, a painting, a school poster board, and something else (of your choice idk).

The group all then begins working on there stuff when all of the sudden you hear someone laughing evilly. "Someone's been akumatized?" A random student asks in your art room. You look out the window. "I thought he given up," you say wondering why he seemed so upset.

You remember this simple thing; you were given a miraculous that you got from your father.

The miraculous to also help akumatized villains. The miraculous of mind control. Now, you could only mind control on certain people.

Hawk Moth called it mind control, but actually it was just you being able to go through somebody just once. Not very useful all the time. That was your main part of your power. Like Ladybugs lucky charm or even Cat Noirs cataclysm.

You urgently needed somewhere to transform at, but where? Cat Noir was only outside. No Ladybug.

Finally everybody had to sneak out of the school but you pretended to leave so you can transform.

"Manaki, one sided!" You say transforming into your super villain side.

You quietly make your way out of the windows and meet Ladybug and Cat Noir. It's been a while since you got to be involved with these types of things. 

"Nice we got the partner in crime to fight" Cat Noir smiles. "Cat Noir this is no joke, (your superhero name: S/N) is dangerous" Ladybug tells him.


Only about two minutes later after using the lucky charm power they defeated the akumatized villain, now it was just you and them. (Sorry about the stupid power you got and the stuff i didn't know what to do).

"Cataclysm" Cat Noir said tapping something that nearly trapped you causing you to almost lose the fight. You flip backwards just in time and use your crossbow. Shooting the last arrow down to the ground, you put up the bow quickly, pull on the string and pull Cat Noirs foot.

"Do the right thing Ladybug, hand over the miraculous" you demand. She tosses her Yo-yo at you just barely grabbing your arm with it and spins you in circles until your dizzy.

"Hnng," you try moving from Ladybugs grip but it's no match. You have one choice. You finally say the words and fall through Ladybug for a split second and escape. That was close. Too close.

If your father found out he wouldn't be happy. He would just be disappointed in you. But he'd be happy you made it back safely.

School is over and you are now heading back home to see your father waiting at the door for you and Adrien. "Y/N, we need to talk. About something important" he tells you. "S-something important?" You say nervously. Adrien looks at his father in confusion "why?" He asks.

"It's fine, Adrien, I'll be fine" you tell him. He nods affirmatively and goes upstairs to his room. "You have been acting strange ever since you've met that Nathan/Juleka. Is there a chance that... you like him/her?" He questions. "I mean, I, uh, we're good friends and all... but, you see... I kinda" you hesitate. "So you have feelings for this person otherwise you would've answered normally" your dad says.

You take a deep sigh ready for what he might say. "I can't keep holding you back from the people you love. I let Adrien start dating this year, and your only fifteen anyways just a year younger. Therefore I think I should give you a chance," he tells you. Your heart race sped up and slowed down.

"You...I...uh...i... can go on like, a date date?" You asks just once more. "That is what I said" he tells you.

Holy crap this was gonna be the best year of your life if you found out Juleka/Nathan likes you.

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