xxix. how to survive

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how to survive

TWENTY-NINE,how to survive

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ELLA HATED THIS. Hiding, fighting, killing. In other words, the three basic accommodations that every person who wanted to, as Gareth once put it, 'stay above ground', had to endure.

Gareth didn't matter anymore, though. None of the struggling Terminus survivors did. And the reason for that harsh fact was simple.

Because they were dead.

One may ask themselves, how could that even be possible? Ella had once asked herself that too, until she saw the evidence. Their bodies, gutted, and forcefully ripped apart by the pure strength her group possessed, spread without a care in the world across the, once spotless, wooden flooring. It was a reasonable shock to anyone, considering how Terminus, somehow, managed to escape death more times than the average living soul left. It was only a matter of time before their undeserving luck ran out, though.

They were evil. Gareth, the others. They all knew that. That's why it had to be done. Their total, almost blood-thirsty, wipe out from the crumbling Earth. It had to be done. It had too. It was either them, or the opposing malicious group. That's what Rick had said. And that's what Ella kept telling herself.

Even so, whilst knowing their cruel, and rather heartless past, why did Ella still feel, well, bad?

People were never meant to kill other people. That's what her father had told her all throughout her life, that kindness would be rewarded, and bad things would only lead you down another path of darkness. Murder was no exception to this little saying. However, did such a statement even matter anymore? There was no reliant way to distinguish the difference between 'good' and 'bad' anymore, not with the sudden shift in the requirements to survive. The blonde hardly had a clue what side they could be considered to be apart of anymore, to be quite honest. Once, a long time ago, there was no doubt in her mind that these people surrounding her, they were good. Yet now, she wasn't so sure.

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