Chapter 1: Defeating Hawkmoth

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Marinette's POV

"What now LB" Chloe asks as we take shelter behind a wall. I hear another explosion from a few meters away.

So your probably wondering what's exactly is happening. Well I have five words for you. Lila is working with Hawkmoth. Yes we finally figured it out.

Let's do a little flash back to show you what's been going on so far. Well it all started 2 years ago when Lila refused to come back to school claiming she was getting bullied.


Lila came into class crying, people immediately swarmed over her.

"Oh my gosh Lila, what's wrong" Rose asks.

"Marinette is bullying me" she cried out.

Flashback end

Those were the words that turned my whole class against me. People changed even my 2 best friends. Chatnoir and Ayla.

Well not everything is bad. I mean I have Chloe who took me in aftery parents kicked me out. Luka, who leaves with us because his parents kicked him out and finally Kagami who lost her mother and leaves with us.

So practically we are one happy family. We tell each other everything and all of that. So back to a few hours ago.


"I'm phobia and I'm here to make your worst fear come to life" Hawkmoth's akuma screams.

"Tikki time to transform" I say smiling down at my kwami.

"Say the words Marinette" she says.

"Tikki spots on" I shout calling on my transformation before swinging away to fight the akuma alone once again.

"M'lady glad you could make it" a voice comes from behind me.

"Chat?"I ask turning around only to gasp at the sight.

"It's Chatblanc" he says grinning like a maniac.

"Did Hawkmoth do this to you kitty" I ask genuinely worried.

"My farther didn't force me to do anything" he says coming closer towards me.

"He helped us become our better selves" another voice says. I turn towards the direction to see...

"Lila" I say staring at volpina.

"It's volpina you idiotic bug" she says venom dripping with each word." I'll leave you to it monsieur blanc" she says before jumping away to cause havock.

"Well m'lady, it's just you and me" he says.

"Why are you doing this Chat" I ask tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Well M'lady I want my mom back and I want to be with you forever" he replies. Then everything clicked.

"Agreste" I say with more venom then what I had intended.

"You figured it out M'lady, now it's time for me to find out who's behind the mask" he says stepping to close for comfort.

"Not today you mangy cat" red dragon (new dragon miraculous name, same holder, different costume). She swiftly gives him a right hock nocking him to the ground.

"Thanks sis" I say smiling up to her.

"Anytime bug" she replies "now let's go kick some akuma butt"

Flashback end

And that's how we got ourselves into this situation. Turns out Hawkmoth thought it was a good idea to make dozens of the most dangerous akumas. Including one that uses explosives as a weapon.

"Let's go to the source of the problem" pointing up at Eiffel tower.

"So what are we waiting for" princess honey asks "let's go kick some Hawkmoth butt"

"First, viper activate your powers" I say earning a nod as an answer.

"Second chance" he says activating his power. We slowly make our way towards the Eiffel tower. We sneak up behind Hawkmoth. I motion for princess honey to activate her powers. And she does as told paralyzing Hawkmoth.

Kagami uses her water powers to trap Mayura.

"That was easier than I thought" I say.

"You forgot about me" Chat Noir's voice comes from behind me.

"Have I really kitty" I ask taking a step closer towards him smiling as he steps back. "Lucky charm" I shout and hand cuffs land in my hands.

I give viper, who's standing behind Chat Noir, a nod. He quickly grabs Chat Noir trapping him into what I would like to call a bear hug.

I quickly make my way towards him and of course handcuff him. I slip his ring of and start searching for the akuma. Of course the akuma is in his bell.

I catch it and watch it as it flies away. I watch, not surprised, as she detranforms into Adrien Agreste. I'm not surprised. I turn back to my friends who have taken the butterfly and peacock miraculous.

Of course, again not surprised, showing a angry secretary and fashion designer. Also know as Gabriel and Natalie.

"Why am I not surprised" I say shacking my head. "Miraculous ladybug" I shout watching the ladybugs cleanse the city.

"We finally did it" Chloe squealed.

"Yeah I guess we did" I say smiling. I hear someone scream and the first thing I thought was...

"Kagami" me and Chloe say at the same time.

We make our way towards where the scream came from. We are met with a crying Kagami.

"Red what happened" Chloe asks.

"Vipir" was the last thing she managed to say before she passed out.

"What the heck" Chloe says grabbing something from her neck.

"What is that" I ask looking around.

"I don't" she answers before falling down unconscious.

"No no no no no" I say swinging my Yo-yo around.

I start looking around trying to figure out where the attacker is. I spot him in one of the far away buildings.

I throw my Yo-yo towards him raping it around him.

"You better be careful blue" plagg warns.

"Always" I say yanking the attacker towards me knocking him out.

"Hello ladybug" a voice says from behind me. I turn around and my eyes widened as I see...

"Master Fu" I exclaim.

"Goodnight ladybug" he says as I start to black out.


Hello peps. I hope your loving my new daminette book. You know when inspiration suddenly hits you. Yep that what happened to me.

Damian: tt who cares.

Mari: I do, Dami be nice.

Damian: But.

Mari: Damian *glares*

Damian: *sweat drops* Yes Angel *Gulps*

Jenny: thanks Mari, your an angel.

Damian: *grows red with anger* Don't steal my-

Jenny: *cuts in* please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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