Chapter 10: First day of school

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3rd person POV

Marinette woke up early and made her way to the kitchen.

"Morning Alfred" she greets the butler who was making breakfast.

"Morning Miss Marinette" he replies "I'd like to apologise about what happened"

"It's not your fault Alfi" she says "is it okay if I make some macaroons, it's a habit I have you know with all the God's I live with" she says making Alfred chuckle.

"Help yourself miss Marinette" he says making her brighten up.

She begins to take out the ingredients mixing them up. She preheats the oven and spoons the batter onto a tray and finally putting them onto the oven.

"There can you take them out for me Alfred" she asks "I have to go change"

"Of course miss Marinette" he agrees.

"Please don't call me miss" she says running out "thanks Alfred" she shouts leaving no room for argument.

Alfred sighs knowing that they is no way he was going to call her miss now. He shakes his smiling at the embodiment of sunshine.

Marinette got to the room she was given and went to take a shower with the toiletries provided for her.

She changed and decided to wear a maroon t -shirt, red jacket and black jeans. Which of course she had to teleport to get. She also explained the situation to her parents.

She made her way to the dinning sitting herself down next to her brother. Nobody else had come down yet.

"Morning Jay" she says being her normal enthusiastic self.

"Morning pixie you feeling okay" Jason asks worriedly.

"Yeah I'm good" she says frowning "just not excited to go back to school"

"Don't worry we got your back right Cass" Stephanie says coming in followed by Cass.

"Mhm" Cass says making Marinette smile.

"You really should speak more" Marinette says making Cass look up. "I mean don't let the world bring you down"

"I'll keep that in mind" Cass says shocking the other two in the room.

"Here you go master Jason" Alfred says laying a plate in front of Jason.

"Thanks Alfred" he says smiling. Marinette shakes her head at her picky brother and puts a few pancakes on her plate and dressing them with syrup.

"Where's Bruce" Marinette asks.

"Went to work early" Jason replies rolling his eyes. Tim enters the room well rested for once.

"Wow am I dreaming or does Tim have no bags under his eyes" Barbara asks entering the room.

"Wow pixie you've been here for less than 24 hours you've already changed our lives now all that's left is for you to make the demon smile" Jason says.

"And decrease Jason's anger issues" Barbara adds.

"I'm not here to change y'all" Marinette says laughing "I love you all just the way you are"

"You've only known us for a few hours" Tim says.

"And you all know me better than people I've known for my whole life" she says.

"Fair enough" Tim says.

"Here" Marinette says handing Tim a cup filled with brown hot fluid that came out of nowhere.

"What is this" he asks grabbing the cup.

"Your alternative to coffee" she replies "hot chocolate"

He takes a sip as Damian walks in.

"Morning Damian" Marinette says enthusiastically.

"Morning" he replies giving her a quick small soft smile.

"Are you sure you not trying to change us" Cass asks surprising half of the people in the room. "What" she asks as they stare at her.

"This is getting to weird, see you later pixie" Jason says standing up and kissing his sisters forehead.

"By Jay" she says smiling. "What" she asks as the whole table stares at her.

"Morning people" Dick says entering the room. A chorus of mornings erupts. "Is Tim back to drinking coffee"

"It's hot chocolate" he says.

"We're making our way out of his addict phase. Soon he'll be having orange juice" Marinette says.

"Oh master Jason has already left" Alfred asks entering the room with macaroons.

"Yes he said something about us being too weird" Cass says making Dick choke on his pancakes making a few of the Wayne's snicker.

"School is going to be interesting today" Stephanie says smiling.

"I hope we're able to prevent earthquakes" Marinette says making everyone freeze "I'm joking" she says "maybe" she mumbles.

"I'll bag his macaroons" Alfred says smiling at his family's actions.

"Nice macaroons Alfred" Dick compliments.

"I didn't bake them master Dick. Marinette did" Alfred says shocking everyone. He just called someone by their first name. The rest of breakfast was rather peaceful.

"Time for school young masters" Alfred says coming into the room.

They head to school and go out the door Marinette being the last to come out. Everyone one's eyes are on the 'new Wayne'.

"Great time for a boring day of school" Marinette says making Stephanie giggle.

"Don't worry Mari it's going to be fine" she says "I'll take you to the registration office, catch you later guys" she says dragging Marinette away.

Everyone stares at the girl as she passes. Lot's of comments about her good looks and how much she looks like a Wayne.

Marinette begins to feel uncomfortable with all the stares coming here way. Stephanie must have sensed this because she glared at anyone who dared stare.

"Thanks Steph" Marinette says.

"No problem sis, we don't want the school collapsing do we" she says in a joking manner making Marinette giggle.

Her giggle makes almost everyone in the room blush.

"I hate being a God" she mumbles making Stephanie giggle.

They soon reach the office and grab her schedule. Stephanie lead's her to her first class. Both had the same class.

She sighs as she steps inside introducing herself with a smile before heading to the back and sitting herself next to Damian sighing.

"I didn't like it either" Damian says making her smile.

"At least I'll have a peaceful place to work on my designs, I won't have to dodge any flying socks" she says snickering.


"Long story" she says taking out her sketch book.


Another uneventful chapter. Don't worry your going to like the next one better. I had to change a few plans. I'm sorry. I'll make sure to make the next one more interesting. Please vote and comment.


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