Chapter 9: I'm not going back to school

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3rd person POV

Everybody stares at the two teenagers in shock. For one the girl was an immortal God who had been through a lot of sh*t. Two demon spawn just showed emotions. He is touching someone through his own will.

"You telling me you've been in a house filled with God's for three months with no contact to humans except for the three mentioned" Stephanie asks.

"The guardians are not dead and are still out there probably planning revenge" Barbara asks.

"You've spent your whole life getting betrayed by the people you love yet still manage to be a ray of sunshine" Dick asks.

"You f*cking managed to get demon spawn to show emotion" Jason shouts. For once Alfred is too shocked to say anything.

"That's f*cking messed up" Cass says shocking everyone in the table.

"People please slow down" Marinette says trying to process all that they've said.

"Yes I've spent 3 months with very little human contact. I was homeschooled and have just finished writing my finals for university. Yes the guardians are not dead but they'll think twice before trying to cross me again. Yes betrayal is my life but I don't let anyone bring me down. I didn't know Damian didn't usually show emotion. And yes Cass I agree with you it is messed up" she says taking a deep breath and letting it out.

They stared at her still trying to process everything that has been said.

"Please stop staring at me" she says covering her face making most of them go 'nco' and Damian become a blushing mess.

"How about you move in with us pixie" Jason asks.

"I-" she says.

"That's a great idea, you really need more human contact" Bruce says.

"Yeah sure, the house is empty anyway" she says in a very chilled manner.

"Now we know for sure she's broken" dick says "I mean from the time we met you, you weren't from bored to calm, to angry, to disappointed. Then you weren't back to angry then calm again. Then you weren't from there to excited. Then embarrassed. Then snarky. When we entered the manor you weren't from caring to manipulative then became sweet. Then you broke down and now your back to calm again"

"You'll get used to it" she simply says.

"I think you should go back to school" Bruce says.

"No way am I going back to school, I'm doing fine with homeschooling and I don't have that great of a history with school" she says still very calm.

"It will be good for you and might change the way you see humans" he states.

"I'm a goddess I don't need to go to school all I need is a place to stay and food and I'm okay. I don't have to get to know mortals any better" she says slightly getting annoyed.

A ping disturbed their conversation. Marinette takes out her phone. Everyone gapes at her phone.

"That's the latest in the miraculous phone company. It hasn't come out yet." Jason says.

"I did tell you I was Marinette miraculous" she says.

"Meaning these phones were created by F*CKING GOD'S" Stephanie shouts..

"Language" Alfred warns. Marinette just rolls her eyes checking her email.

"Oh my God" she shouts smiling.

"What's up pixie" Jason asks clearly amused by his sister's actions.

"I just got my bachelor's degrees technology, art, fashion design and dance" she squeals making the whole Wayne family look at her in shock.

"You did all of that in 3 months" Jason asks clearly surprised.

"You should be the least surprised, we both know I had more braincells at the age of 2 then you do now" she says teasing her brother.

"Fair enough" he replies shrugging.

"They going to be mailed to me house during the weekend, just in time for our monthly gatherings" she says smiling.

"What monthly gatherings" Stephanie asks.

"Well since our choices for what we want to do in life split us apart. We do a monthly gathering where we discuss what we've been doing. Chloe, Luka and Kagami promised to be there this month, I haven't seen them in 3 months" she says beaming.

"Who are they" Damian asks.

"My family back in Paris" she says smiling another ping sounds through the room. "No way Chloe just said that uncle Jagged, auntie penny and cousin Clara might be there as well. She said something about attending the Wayne gala"

"Jagged Stone is coming to the Wayne gala" Dick shouts fangirling.

"Yeah said something of having some business to attend to along with seeing an old friend again" she says. "The only thing that worries me is that Chloe said she has a surprise for me, both good and bad" she says shaking her head.

"Alfred have you signed Marinette up for school yet" Bruce asks making the bluenette look at her in anger.

"Yes master" Alfred replies heading out the door.

"I'm not going to school" Marinette shouts in anger.

"Come on pixie just for one week and if you don't like it you can always stop going" Jason reasons.

"Fine" she huffs in quite a cute manner.

"Young masters time for bed" Alfred says entering the room once again.

"You gonna love our school" Stephanie squeals hugging the bluenette"I'll introduce you to our friends"she says dragging her and Cass out the room making the boys snicker at their over enthusiastic sisters actions.

'tommorow is going to be a long day' Marinette thought before falling asleep.


Yey another chapter done. What do you think is going to happen tommorow at school. I really am going to enjoy writing the next chapter. Hope y'all enjoy reading it. Let me give you a clue about what's going to happen next. It's going to be a long week for Marinette.

Lila: when am I going to get a chance to speak😣.

Jenny: when I feel like it🙄.

Lila: please let me speak🙏.

Jenny: how about I let you scream😏.

Lila: what🤨?

Jenny: fan nation get her😎.

Fan nation: *carrying weapons start to chase after Lila* yeahhh🗡️⚔️💣.

Lila: *running away* help🤪.

Jenny: *smirking takes out katana and pins Lila down with the blade on her neck* with pleasure lier😏.

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Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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