Chapter 13: let's play a game

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Damian- 16 years old

Marinette- 16 years old (technically imortal but)

Tim- 18 years old

Stephanie and Cass - 17 years old

Jason - 21 years old

Dick- 24 years old

Kor'i - 24

Mar'i- 5

Bruce- 35

Babs-  24

Alfred- imortal

3rd person's POV

The Wayne siblings are now sitting around the living room bored out of their mind.

"Hey pixie" Jason says.

"Yes jay" she asks sweetly.

"Want to play a game" he asks earning the rest of the Wayne siblings attention.

"You mean the game" Tim says smiling like a maniac.

"Ohh I'm in" Stephanie says.

"Even demon spawn likes this game" Dick says earning a glare from Marinette making him gulp. "I mean Damian"

"Tt it earned me my second animal shelter you idiot" he says.

"Damian be nice" Marinette reprimands. "What's the game"

"Who can drive Bruce crazy" Jason says jumping up and down.

"Uhh that doesn't seem nice to me" Marinette says making most of them snicker.

"Um pixie hear us out" Jason says.

"I'm listening"

"You see Marinette Bruce is never surprised with what we buy anymore" Barbara says.

"He literally never reacts" Tim says.

"So we made a game where we buy the craziest things we can think of and see if he'll react" Stephanie says.

"He never does" Cass says only slightly shocking everyone but Marinette of course.

"Ok I'm in" Marinette says making them all cheer.

"Okay I'm driving" Dick says running out the door.

"Pixie is with me, away from Damian" Jason says following his brothers lead.

"Tt" Damian huffs heading out the door.

Soon everyone is sitting in the car heading out to town. Dick, Stephanie, Tim , Barbara,Cass and Damian are in a red BMW while Marinette and Jason take a motorcycle.

"Let me guess, was part of the game" Marinette asks smiling.

"You said it" he replies starting the motor.

All of them drove to town going their own separate ways.

Damian had decided that they was nothing crazy enough this town could offer and decided to go online shopping. He done how found himself buying a mountain lion and having it shipped overseas.

He huffed having finished the game early. In his mind he had won this one. I mean who could beat having a mountain lion shipped overseas. He made his way to do something to feel his time while waiting for his siblings.

Stephanie on the other hand was in a dress shop trying to find the most expensive piece of clothing in there. She scoffed and decided on buying the whole store. She walked out with the feeling of victory.

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