Chapter 16: The maniac

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3rd person POV

The Wayne limo pulls up in front of the school. As usual everyone's attention is immediately on them. Everyone comes out one by one.

Everybody gapes at their outfits. They all come out laughing, smiling and joking around.

Allegra squeals.

"I love you outfits" she says assessing them.

"Thanks" Marinette says taking out a package from her backpack. Wait backpack. Everyone stares at her in confusion.

"What" she asks.

"I don't remember you having a backpack" Cass says.

"I really don't know what you talking about" she says smiling cheekily. "Here" she says handing each of her friends a package.

"What's this" Bridgette asks.

"A gift from me to you" she replies "open it when you get home"

"Ok" they all say making her giggle. Damian blushes at the sound of her giggle.

"Ohhh" all the girls say making Marinette blush and Damian's blush deepen. Everyone laughs at their reaction.

"Jason's gonna kill you bro" Tim says making Damian glare at him.

"Tt" he says making most of the group snicker.

"How the heck is this friend group so big" Marinette asks.

"It's not usually this big" Allan says.

"That's true, Jon and Damian don't usually sit with us and Tim is either taking a nap in the library or in a corner alone in his computer" Claude says "and your new"

"So basically little sis" Bridgette says making Marinette groan.

"I'm older" she says.

"Yeah whatever" she says making everyone laugh "basically you made the group bigger because even I'm usually with Felix over here in the library"

"So it's usually just Claude, Allan, Allegra, Cass and Stephanie" Marinette asks.

"Yep" they all say at the same time.

"That's weird" she says giggling. The all laugh along with her. The bell rings and they separate making their way to their classes.

Time skip

Marinette came out of her last class sighing. She was getting really bored. Tim had asked her to help babysit Dick's child, her supposedly niece. She smiled heading to the Limo.

They would head to Wayne enterprise where Mar'i would be waiting. They are just babysitting for an hour. They picked her up both heading to the park.

"Who is she" the little girl asked "is she your girlfriend"

"No" we both shout at the same time.

"To bad she's pretty and I like her" she says making Marinette's heart swell up.

"Yeah but uncle Dami has claimed her as his own" Tim teases making the girl blush.

"Oh your married to uncle Dami" she shouts with Joy as they enter the park.

"No Mar'i we're just soulmates" she says glaring at a snickering half asleep Tim.

"What are soulmates" she asks tilting her head to the side adorably.

"Soulmates are people who were meant to be with each other" Marinette says.

"And get married and have little Mar'i's" Tim says making Marinette sigh as she slaps the back of his head.

"So your basically my aunt" she asks.

"Yes auntie Nette" I say making her giggle.

"Auntie Nette will marry uncle Dami" she shouts making they girl blush and Tim laugh.

"I'll go buy you some ice cream" Marinette says blushing like crazy as she walked across the park. About 2 minutes later she hears someone scream.

"Auntie Nette" she hears from a distance and her instincts immediately scream danger. She sees people screaming running away.

She immediately bolts towards Mar'i's direction. The park was now completely empty. Within seconds she is faced with a laughing maniac.

She scans her surroundings seeing eight goons and joker. She sighs as she sees someone from the outside recording the scene. She jumps out of her hiding spot.

"Let her go" she shouts knowing that she's going to be trending once again but this was Jason's niece. This was her niece.

"Who are you" the clown says facing her. Marinette gags.

"Who did you make up a toddler" she asks scrunching her nose "and your outfit. How the hell do you look yourself over in the morning and approve of what your wearing"

"Do you know who I am" he growls.

"The clowned face idiot who has my niece in his has" she says summoning a shield over the girl and using a mirage to hide it. She winks at Mar'i who giggles filling the protection.

"Kill her" he commands as his goons start firing at her. She just stares at them as they disintegrate I'm the air.

'Plagg must have sensed danger" she thought knowing that her father was somewhere around watching.

"The f*ck" someone from the back ground shouts as joker is taken aback.

"What was that" he asks looking around.

"Let's just say I'm highly protected" she says smiling staring at Tim who had fallen asleep on the ground.

"Get her" he growled. His goons immediately lunge at her. A few kick and punches later they are on the ground unconscious while Marinette dusts her hands. Joker had obviously not been expecting that.

"Step back or I'll shoot her" he says now threatening Mar'i making Marinette roll her eyes. She steps towards the clown. He of course shoots. He is hella surprised when they just bounce of the girl and she giggles.

He feels a punch and begins to laugh like a maniac which he was. He falls down as Marinette grabs Mar'i handing her a blind fold before putting her to the side.

"You more fun than the bat" he says cackling. "I like you, your just as crazy as me"

"Can I knock you out now or something" she asks.

"I won't hurt you or the girl" he says laughing some more.

"Good for you" she says turning around to pick up Mar'i and Tim. "Go back to the arkham"

"Only if you agree to be my niece" he says laughing.

"Fine just go" she says rolling her eyes. He walks out leaving his goons behind. The people who were watching are now gaping like fish as this girl walks out carrying Mar'i and a sleeping Tim without breaking a sweat groaning to herself.


Finally found out how I want this chapter to go. I'll try to update daily once again. So please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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