Chapter 38

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Once Aura was free to go we all decided to go to the forest. Aura wanted to go back to the dorm so Tessa went with her, and the rest of us got snacks and energy drinks.

When Aura and Tessa were going back to the dorm, Blake filled Lucas in on their situation.

Sabrina listened in and gushed at how cute they were.

The more I saw the real side of Sabrina the more I felt bad for her. I love that she's figuring everything out though.

Blake then pulled Lucas to the side, which left Sabrina and I alone.

"Again, I'm really for how I treated you." She sighed and looked at the ground.

"It's al in the past. But I will get you back some day. Some day." I joked.

"You like Blake don't you."


"I mean you were practically all over him today." She laughed.


"Yeah. I do like him. I just don't usually like to admit my feelings. You know?" I said. Sabrina nodded.

"Me too."

"Lucas?" I asked, smirking.

"I uh-"

"Spit it out." I raised my eyebrows.


"There it is!" I laughed. She laughed with me and we both sighed.

"I honestly wonder if we could have been friends before." Sabrina suddenly said.

"You know, if I wasn't such a jerk. Or maybe if you had been a jerk just like me." She added, rolling her eyes.

"As long as we're good with each other now, then it doesn't really matter. Also, you practically saved our asses in that fight."

"I was only there to help Lucas, but you're welcome." She smiled.

I raised my eyebrows and she put her hands up in defense, backing away. "Kidding. I'm kidding."

I laughed at her sudden change in demeanor and kept talking with her.


I pulled Lucas aside and he yelled at me in protest as I did so.

"I can't believe I'm asking you this but I need advice." I groaned.

"Oh wow. The Blake is asking me for advice. Hold on I need to get this on video." Lucas scrambled to get out his phone.

"Don't you fucking dare." I sneered.

"I'm not scared of you." Lucas chuckled as he brought out his phone.

I quickly grabbed it and got ready to throw, when Lucas yelped and got it back.

"Okay okay jeez." He sighed.

"Look. I kissed Snow yesterday, and I don't know what to do now." I spoke as fast as I could.

"My man! You finally made a move! I'm so proud." Lucas patted me on the shoulder.

"Are you gonna help or not?" I said.

"Well, in my wise opinion, I think you should just show her you care. Through your love language. For example, mine is touch...I think." He contemplated the last part, but then brought himself together.

"Look. Point is, she likes you back. So if you want to, ask her out. She will definitely say yes. I mean if I know Tay, I know she'll say yes to you." He continued.

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