Chapter 28

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*Trigger warning: Mention of sexual assault*


I shouldn't have left her.

I just wanted to buy her the necklace I saw her looking at. And then he-


I can't bring myself to think about it. Seeing him pressing her against the wall was bad enough.

And when I knocked him out and went over to her, I could barely keep myself together.

I helped her when the cops came, and they took her to a police station. I went with her, but when they questioned her I couldn't go in.

I was furious, and when her mom and dad got there they were mad as well, because they wouldn't let anyone see her.

When she was walking into the room, she looked at me. Instead of her usual smile, I saw her tear stained, numb face.

I was sat in a chair, waiting for them to be done. I saw her parents stand up and walk over to me, so I stood up.

"You saved her, didn't you?" Her mom said quietly.

I only nodded, and she smiled slightly.

"Thank you." She whispered. She embraced me and I hugged back. Taylor's parents are probably really scared.

The door to the room she was in opened, and she walked out. Her parents immediately started bawling as they hugged her.

She didn't have any emotion.

Why did this have to happen to her? Especially now.

She was already feeling like she was weak, and now this happens?

It's gonna ruin her.

I clenched my fists and felt a hand on them. I looked back up and saw Snow.

She walked in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck, and pressed her head into my chest.

I returned the favor, moving my arms to her waist.

She made me feel so soft, and seeing her like this makes me so mad.

"I'll be okay." She whispered, almost reading my mind.

"Please, go back to the school and tell the others i'm fine. They're gonna find out anyways, so just tell them everything." She added, pulling away from the hug and looking into my eyes.

"You got it." I smiled.

She went back to her parents and they went back into the room with her.

I started making my way out of the station and found a bus that lead close to the school.

I paid for it and got on, sitting down.

I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed the necklace I had bought for her.

I looked at it and sighed.

Once the bus finally stopped I got out and walked to school. It was starting to get dark, so I called Lucas to get everyone together.

"Dude what the hell is going on?" Lucas said as he answered.

"Aura said Taylor wasn't responding so I tried you and you didn't respond either and-"

"Forest. Get Aura and Tessa too." I told him, and I hung up.

I got to the forest and met them all there.

Lucas ran up, and a minute later Aura and Tessa ran up too.

"Is she okay?" Aura asked.

"She's okay. But something happened and she wanted me to tell you guys." I looked at the ground.

"My old childhood friend was hanging out with us, and I left for a little while to get Taylor something she looked like she wanted." I started, playing the events back in my head.

"When I came back they weren't there, so I went looking for them. I turned a corner and found-" I stopped, attempting to calm myself down.

"I found him choking her against the wall, with his hand up her skirt." I sighed, balling my fists.

Aura put her hand over her mouth and her eyes started watering. Tessa stood in shock, tears forming in her eyes as well.

Lucas was angry, and sad at the same time. Same as me.

"I'll kill him." Aura broke the silence, her voice cracking as she spoke.

Tessa put a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.

"I already pretty much did. Only the bare minimum though. I had to comfort her." I said.

We all stood in silence, while quiet tears escaped form everyone's eyes. "When is she coming back?" Lucas asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. Since they have Dylan in custody I would hope she comes back soon." I answered as best as I could.

"I'm gonna go to the dorm Lucas. You coming?" I said.

"I think I'm gonna take a walk." He sighed. We both looked at the girls and they nodded. We all started walking and soon parted ways.

I finally made it into the dorm and I slammed the door behind me, leaning against it.

I pulled my head up and laid on my bed, looking at the ceiling.

She never deserved any of this.

If I hadn't transferred here, none of this would have happened.

But I had to. To get away from dear old dad.

Dylan used to be my friend. He stayed by my side through everything. I guess he turned out to be a terrible person.

He did seem off today though. Not himself.

But I can't just throw that around loosely.

Taylor is probably so numb inside. Finishing up things at the police station.

And then tonight, as she falls asleep, the memories are gonna play back through her head, and she won't get any sleep.

At least, that's what happened with my mom.



also give me some more ideas! I love hearing them.

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