Chapter 2

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There was a time that I thought I'd be single forever... this time was no exception. I woke up the next afternoon with a hangover, frothy mouth, and a hankering for some tteokbokki. After finishing my 'morning' routine, I grabbed phone and called Soo-yung.

"Hey Soo, sorry for not texting you last night," I apologized. "I ended up getting suppppper drunk and I'm currently paying for it."

"Well good," she mocked. "I'm glad you learned your lesson. Never get super drunk without me ever again." I could practically hear her big smile through the phone.

"Anyways, you wanna get some tteokbokki? I'm in the mood."

"Sure. When?"

"Like right now."

"Just give me 30 minutes." I rolled my eyes and said sorry to my poor tummy.

"Fine but you're paying."

"Yeah ok," she replied sarcastically. "See you in a bit."

30 minutes later, I was sitting in the Apple House, waiting for Soo-yung.

"Please don't call my phone for I have arrived," she exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes for the second time that day but put my phone back on the table.

'Linner' was served not soon after and we began to eat.

"So how'd your friend wake up?" I asked between munches.

"She's fine. That bitch had the nerve to just wake up perfectly fine and call me at 8:30 this morning... michin nyeon." (crazy bitch)

"I'm happy I didn't get a wake up call," I laughed.

"When did you even get home?"

"To be honest? I couldn't even tell you forreal. I got to drinking with this guy and poof, time disappeared." I shrunk slightly, embarrassed that I couldn't answer her basic question well.

"A GUY?!" She yelled. I looked at her wide eyed, trying to get her to calm down.

"Girl yes," I rolled my eyes again.

"Your eyes are going to get stuck like that if you keep rolling them at me. Now spill! Was he cute?"

I smiled to myself. "Girl, he was fine. He was Korean but I feel like that goes without saying. But peep this, he's from the States like us. He helped me out a lot 'cause my drunk ass forgot all of my Korean. He saved me a lot of charades practice."

"So did you get his number ?!"

"Well duh," I popped my non existent collar. "Course I did."

"Then what has he been saying??" She asked, intrigued. I glanced down at my hands so she'd  look.

You in my business? I signed in ASL, Don't do that.

Bitch. She signed back. "Grace c'mon, don't be like that. Spill!"

"He hasn't texted me, ok?," I told her, dejected.

"Aw babe... it's ok, there are plenty more Korean men where that one came from." She turned in her chair, her hand slightly pointing as if to say, "See?"

"Yeah," I looked down pushing my food around my plate. "But I liked that one."

"Now you kno-" She started as a herd of screaming girls ran past the store.




"Whoaaaa," I said after the hoard passed. My phone flashed and I reach for my phone. "Who were they screaming about?!"

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