Chapter 6

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For the next hour, Eonni showed me everything she possibly could. Why pH would let this woman run around with reckless abandon, I may never understand, but I'm glad he did. I was having a blast.

"Alright," announced the stage manager. "Show starts in 10 minutes."

The pace of backstage increased drastically. It became way too hectic for me and Soo to just be out and about.

"I left my phone in Jay's room," I told Soo. "I'm gonna go back there, you find pH and I'll text you where I'm at." She nodded and went to find pH. I headed in the opposite direction, back to Jay.

Instead of knocking like a normal person, I decided to just walk into the room.

"The show starts in less than 10 minutes, ya know," I teased. He got up from his chair and walked over to the full body mirror closest to me. I grabbed my phone from off the charger and checked my notifications.

His team got up and cleared out the room. Whether they knew something was up or if they were just busy, I had no idea, but it was sketchy as hell that they all up and left when I came back.

"Did you have fun?" He asked slowly.

"I did. The dancers were so nice. Even showed me a few moves." I looked up from my phone but Jay was gone. "Guess he didn't really care." I shrugged.

"Who said I didn't care?" He whispered in my ear. A cold breeze ran down my spine as his breath brushed against my neck. I stiffened at his closeness.

"When-n d-did you walk over here," I gulped. His hands graced my hips as he spun me to face him. Looking at me, he said, "You'd've noticed had you not been paying your phone so much attention." He tucked a loose strand behind my ear, causing to back up until my back hit the wall.

"Jay, you have to finish getting ready," I told him, avoiding his eyes. Grabbing my chin, Jay forced me to look at him.

"But I am finished," he responded, innocently. I looked around for anything that could give me a good reason to make him move. The smell, the feel, and the closeness of him was intoxicating. I was having a hard time keeping my composure.

He leaned forward. "Am I making you nervous, Grace?" He murmured into my neck. My breathing began to get heavier as I felt his lips press against my skin. I trembled under his touch, my knees weakening the longer we stood there. My stomach was set ablaze as my center became slick with my excitement.

"Mmm," I whimpered. He stopped to look me in my eyes.

"Now that's a sound I like to hear," he smirked.

I was frazzled. I could only imagine what I looked like from his point of view. With one last caress of my face, he stepped back and walked back over to the mirror.

"Sir," busted in the stage manager. "Show starts in less than 2 minutes."

"Okay, I'm coming." The manager left as fast as he came.

Jay walked over to dressing table and pulled out a pair of big headphones. "Come here," he commanded.

Doing as I was told, I came to him. "These are for you." I just looked at him as he handed me the headphones. "I want you stand in the wings so I can see you from the stage. These are noise cancelling headphones. It'll be loud and I don't want your concussion to get worse. Does it still hurt?"

I shook my head, no, but winced he lightly touched the back of my head.

"Lying just won't do, Grace." He tsked. "You have to be honest when you're in pain, okay?"

I couldn't use words, so I stuck to nodding.

"Good girl," he smiled. He walked out the room after that and I was finally able to breathe. I collapsed on to couch. I couldn't believe I found myself submitting to him so easily. There was no resistance. I couldn't fight back or disagree. It took everything within me to keep the slight composure I still had.

After a beat, I collected myself. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, put on a fresh coat of lip gloss, and then left forthe wings. I went to text Soo when I got there but she had beat me the spot. I stood beside her and put on my headphones. Jay was already on stage, emceeing. He glanced over in my direction and smiled.


The concert in full swing was a sight to behold. Jay's dancing really took my breath away. And when the shirt came off, I found myself drooling a little. Throughout the performance, he continuously looked over at me as if to say, "I'm watching you." Every time I felt his eyes fall on me, I felt giddy. Like he's working but he can't keep his eyes off of me.

It's the melanin honey,... it's distracting, I had smiled to myself.

All the fears I had about not enjoying the concert went out the window as soon as pH started rapping. I caught his words every so often and may I just say, that man is slick. After a few hours, the concert ended and everyone went to clear out.

"That was amazing," screamed Eonni. I playfully rolled my eyes and wrapped arm around hers.

"It was pretty good, not gone lie," I admitted.

"SEE!! I told you, you'd have a good time." I chuckled at her happy expression. "Well we should go find-" I started.

"PH!! The show was amazing," Soo exclaimed, scampering off.

I shut my mouth and shook my head. Guess I'll go to Jay's room and wait, I thought. I walked into Jay's empty room and found my nice spot on the couch and laid down. I had only closed my for like 2 seconds when I found myself being yelled at.

"Grace! WAKE UP! No sleeping remember?"

I blinked several times. Here I was, laying on a couch, face to face with Jay Park. With one hand on my face, he gently rubbed his thumb across my cheek, leaving a trail of sparks in its place.

"You don't have to yell," I told him. He reached for something behind my head and pulled back.

"Yeah I did." He dangled the headphones in front of my face. "How could you hear me if I didn't."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Ha ha." I leaned forward, propping myself up on my elbows, staring at him.

There was literally no pause in between me leaning up and the feeling of Jay pressing his lips against mine. After freezing for a moment, I relaxed against his lips and reveled in the sensation that was spreading across my entire body. Jay stepped back before things could go any farther. The kiss wasn't very long but it felt like it had been. I just stared at him, my chest rising and falling to the sound of my breathing.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For being a good girl."


WOW did not expect to be here lol. I wasn't even gone end it at first but then it just felt good to end it there. Are we liking it so far? Do you think it's moving fast? Any suggestions? I might take a break to figure out where I want the story to go.  I might not. Who knows :) -K

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