Chapter 4

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"You guys' paragraphs are looking really good. I can't wait to finish reading them," I announced to my class.

"Alright so did anybody practice having an English conversation on Kakao?" I asked.

A few hands were raised, which made me feel really good. I never planned on teaching. I always thought I'd be a terrible teacher. I didn't like grading, I liked leaving stuff to the last minute, and I'd wait to make a lesson plan right before class started. I taught sporadically. I guess I was lucky that my students work well with my teaching style.

"I did Teacher," answered one of my shy students.

"What did you guys talk about?" I was intrigued. Seo-woo didn't speak up to often in class. She typically kept to herself, so I was shocked that she said anything.

"We talked about greetings."

"Like?" I waited for her to elaborate.

She started rubbing her hands together and looked down at her desk. "Um... He said to say hi, people say 'Wassup' or 'Wasgud'."

I looked at her with a knowing look on my face. "Do you know where those combination of words come from?" She shook her head. "Does anybody?" I was met with a class full of blank faces.

"Alright," I grabbed a black dry eraser marker and uncapped it. I began writing as I spoke to my class. "So class, the words 'Wassup' and 'Wasgud' are slang terms. Y'all remember when I taught you about slang terms?" There were a myriad of head nods.

"I'm glad. So those greetings are informal greetings. Meaning they're for your siblings, cousins, and friends. Those terms come from the words- What's, Up, and Good. Both of those greetings can mean; Hi, How are you, and What are you doing. It honestly depends on how you mean it. Make sense?"

Again, heads bob up and down in unison.

"Ok, it's time to go but you guys are getting homework." The class rang with the disappointed groans of my students.

"Aht Aht, don't do that. I don't even assign homework that often. You guys speak English pretty well individually but I want y'all to be able to go to an English speaking country and have a conversation with a native speaker. What's my motto?"

"As long as you can speak it, someone else can read it to you," they replied.

"Great job," I chuckled. "So your homework is to get on Kakao for half an hour and talk to a native speaker. Have your parents sign off on it. Okay, y'all can go." The class quickly cleared out.

"Teacher?" Asked voice.

"Yes sweetie?" I replied, wiping off the white board.

"I didn't actually use Kakao..." Seo-woo admitted. I raised an eyebrow. "So who taught you those slang words?"

"My uncle. It was kind of like Kakao since he's a English native."

"An, hon. An English native. An comes before a vowel and A comes before..."

"A... con-con-consa," she stumbled.

"A consonant. Great try sweetie," I patted her shoulder. "So you get help from your uncle?"

"Mmm. I call him since he helps teach me with English."

"Well it's fine with me if you want to talk to him instead of getting on Kakao."

"Really?! Thank you Teacher," she squealed.

"No problem. Now get out of here, school's over," I smiled as I ushered her out the door, closing it behind her.

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