5- Make it stop

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Soojin's POV

"Bro it's my fault I forced her to try to get over you but it was for her mental health and so she could raise Hanna with a father figure they both deserved at least that much she was in pain an-"

"JUNGKOOK SHUT UP!" Jimin yelled at him "I'm not even mad at her chill.

"Really?" He asked I crossed my arms over my chest "you literally just said that it hurt that I moved on.." I huffed and walked out the room leaving Jimin and jungkook confused.

"How'd she end up being the angry one"
Jungkook said holding Jimin up taking him down the stairs.

When we got down stairs Hanna was complaining "daddy can I please have chocolate" she whined to Taemin. I cringed "baby what did I tell you..your dad is upstairs"

"...can't I have 2 she said pouting" Taemin rolled his eyes at me "Soojin it's fine she can call me dad..like she said she can have 2!"

Soojin shook her head then turned around to see Jimin staring holes into Taemin's face.

"Dang...if looks could kill" I said laughing at Jimin he pouted and looked over at a giggling Soojin who shrugged her shoulders at him.

"JEEZ! Can you guys just get along!" Jungkook said as he placed Jimin on the couch. "Fine..." Jimin said Hanna clapped her hands together.

"YAYYY I have 2 Dads now!" She said giggling as she ran into my arms.

Jin walked out the kitchen and gave Hanna a spoon that had batter on it "the cake will be done in 45 minutes" he said sitting beside Jimin.

My phone rang and I picked it up "SOOJIN-AH!" Taehyung said on the other line grunting "why are you making those noises what are you doing" I asked confused he grunted again "..Soojin you know what I'm doing" he said seductively.

"OMG! gross Taehyung!" I said moving the phone away from my ear "don't be shy you know you want me soojin"

"No..not really! Anyways hurry up tell me why you called"

"because I'm bored"
He said "come to my house"..."

your drunk aren't you?" I asked annoyed "a little" he said laughing "send your location I'm on my way and why the heck are you drunk at 2pm"

He laughed again the hung up seconds later I got his location.

"Taemin oppa can you come with me to pick up taehyung since he doesn't know how to act when he's drunk and alone with me" I said rolling my eyes.

"Sure" he said heading to the door "now wait a damn minute OPPA?!" Jimin said I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Don't make it a big deal he's older than me I said grabbing my purse "Nope I'm coming too!" Jimin said as he stood holding on to the couch to walk.

"Babe...I mean Jimin you can't walk by yourself stop!" I said running to him.

He frowned at me "why'd you change it..you can still call me that I am your husband".

I smiled at him "right" I said helping him to the door I got in the passenger seat and Taemin got behind the wheel Jimin in the back seat.

The whole ride was silent except for me giving Taemin directions to the bar taehyung was at.

"Here!" I said hopping out the car when I went into the bar taehyung came from a room in the back a girl by his side

That must be the girl he was with when I was on the phone with him I walked over to him gently pushing the girl off of him she look older probably old enough to be my mom I cringed at my thoughts and carried taehyung out the bar to the car.

I put him in the backseat beside Jimin and taehyung growned "ugh! Soojin I thought you came aloneeee!" He said slurring his words I rolled my eyes and Taemin started driving.

I was looking out my window as we stopped at a stop light I enjoyed the scenery of the green bushes and butterflies flying around when two cars came out of nowhere one was turning and the other rammed right into it before my eyes.

My eyes went huge and I started breathing fast "T-Taemin it's happening again" I said still looking at the cars I tried to stop but it felt like something was sitting on my chest.

"Soojin stop calm down breathe!" I couldn't stop and tears kept come out as I was breathing excessively.

"W-What's going on" Jimin asked worried Taemin and Taehyung spoke together "she's having a panic attack"

"Make it stop" I said as I curled up still breathing excessively

Taemin got out the car and ran to my side of the car and opened the door "Soojin hey hey I'm right here! Look at me Jimin is here right there he's ok look he's behind you"

Taemin said trying to calm me "Soojin look at me" I looked up at him tears in my eyes "Can you Tell me what you see hmm?"

I blinked away some tears
"I see..you..and grass...trees" I calmed down once I started naming things and he smiled at me "see..everything is ok" I smiled back at him and he closed the door running over to the drivers side and started driving again.

I laid my head back on the seat "Soojin...you need to see a doctor about this..it's not getting any better" Taehyung said from the back seat.

"Emm.." I said trying to stay calmed
He huffed and then we pulled up to my house.

Taemin helped Jimin out the car and taehyung followed we into the house.

When I entered Jin was holding Hanna as they slept on the couch, I smiled and walked up to my room to lay down.

Jimin asked Taemin to take him up to the room and he did leaving him on the bed beside me then he left the room.

"Soojin...are you ok?" He asked as he laid beside me.

I smiled at him "yes baby it just happens sometimes" I said he frowned at me and pulled me into his chest.

"You didn't have them 3 years ago what happened?" He asked worried.

I'm sorry if this chapter triggered anyone my deepest apologies I'm trying to make the story more realistic. The way I explained panic attacks was hard To explain :/

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