12- baby arrival

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Jimin called Taemin as we arrived at the hospital he arrived later once we were waiting in the waiting room.

I tensed up once he sat beside me ha glanced over at me "Soojin can we please talk" not now I said looking away.

He sighed and the doctor called us back.
She smiled at me as I sat on the bed provided before me.

"Whose the father?" She said smiling I looked at them both and sighed "both of them I guess you could say" I said nervously she laughed and shook her head "understood"

Hanna bounced on Jimin's lap "daddy what is she doing to mommy" Hanna said tilting her head at me.

"She's looking at you little sibling" Jimin said happily Hanna smiled cutely at his answer yay! She said looking at the monitor.

She put the cold jell on my stomach and started to move it around.

She hummed as she looked at the ultrasound "looks like your having a boy" she said happily.

Jimin and Taemin smiled at me as Hanna pouted "I wanted a sister" Jimin tickled her and she stopped pouting.

The doctor made a face and I looked at her confused "what's wrong?" I asked her sacredly.

She put her face closer to the monitor and told my to hold the wand that she was putting on my stomach "ma'am I'll be right back" she said walking out.

I started to panic I looked at Jimin "somethings wrong" I said Jimin walked over to my side as Hanna jumped into Taemin's arms.

The doctor walked back in with an older looking man the was also a doctor she took the wand frim my hand and started moving it around again.

"Your only 7 months right" the doctor asked I shook my head nervously and they examined the screen.

The original nurse spoke "it appears that the baby has already turned upside down as if he's ready to come out now"

I gasped "but I have 2 months left" she shook her head at my statement.

"Won't the baby come out disabled?" I asked genuinely worried "he'll probably just have to go in a incubator for a couple months" she said looking at me sympathetically.

Jimin squeezed my hand moving my hair from my face "baby it's ok" he said looking at me sadly.

The doctor scheduled for me to deliver the baby 2 weeks from now and I agreed since I'd be 8 months by then.


I was sitting in the living talking with Anna she was telling me about how her solo career has really been doing well I congratulated her and we gossiped about random rumors running through the kpop industry giggling at the ones made about us.

"You should just choose Jimin already it's super obvious that you love him"

I nervously laughed and she rolled her eyes at me "you think your slick I saw you guys making out in the kitchen last night"

I covered my mouth "omg you saw!?" I said surprised she laughed loudly at me "ooh we ALL saw" she said smirking.

"w-who is all" I asked nervously
She started naming people off.

Well we have me and hoseok, Jin, Gia, Mina, Yoongi , JungKook, Taehyung, Namjoon , and....Taemin"

So everyone I said jaw dropping she giggled again "yeah basically" I rolled my eyes well everyone was going to find out eventually so it's whatever.

I started making faces holding my stomach "ah..That hurts" I whispered Anna looked at me worried "what's wrong"

I got up "maybe I need to go to the bathroom" I said walking.

All of a sudden [SLASH] Anna turned around to look at me she started laughing "did you just piss yourself" she giggled

"No...my water broke Anna it's not suppose to do that I'm suppose to have surgery!"

She popped up running over to get her keys "ok to the car!" She said helping me walk.

Once I got in the car I whipped out my phone dialing Jimin's number he didn't pick up so I called again I called 10 times so instead I called Taemin and he answered.

"TAEMIN MY WATER BROKE" I said out of breath "ok calm down do I need to come get you or are you on your way"

"I'm on my way please Taemin go get Jimin for me!" He sighed and agreed "ok I'll get him"

Taemin's POV

I ran to put my clothes on and ran out the door to the car driving to bighît.

I parked and ran in up and got in the elevator waiting impatiently.

I ran up to the room and the 7 guys were dancing I bent down hands on my knees out of breath.

"Jimin why the heck haven't you been answering your phone" they looked at me in confusion as I tried to caught my break.

"Soojin...her water broke" Jimin collected his stuff and ran out the door me right beside him.

We arrived at the hospital to find Soojin panicking talking to the nurse

Soojin's POV

"No ma'am you don't understand I was suppose to have surgery next week but my water broke the baby can't come out like this" at this point I was crying knowing the consequences that would occur if the baby came out instead of being cut out.

I turned tears in my eyes to see Jimin and Taemin along with the rest of the crew making there way over to me.

Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist while I was panicking.

"Jimin-ah please help the baby can come out this way or he'll die please I need my doctor" Taemin ran down the hall when he saw my private surgeon.

I looked around to all my friends standing around then I looked back up at Jimin "where the heck is Hanna god help you if you forgot her at your studio"

His eyes widened when he remembered he turned around "baby I-"

Taehyung interrupted us "yes, he forgot her but we didn't" Hanna came from the restroom holding Mina's hand.

I glared at Jimin and all of a sudden my legs felt weak and I felt dizzy.

Jimin caught me carrying me over to Taemin and the surgeon, once the surgeon saw me he instantly recognized me "ooh that Soojin right this way!" He said leading us back.

I couldn't remember much after all I remember is the pain and the waiting but eventually I was holding my son.


2 weeks later

Soojin's POV
I was sitting on the couch cradling Jaemin in my arms the name that Taemin and Jimin picked which was suppose to be a cross of their names.

I remember the moment they choose it as he cooed rubbing his hands on my chest.

I giggled at the sight although I was absolutely exhausted from getting up every night and holding him because he would only scream if I put him down.

I often fell asleep with him lying on my chest with a blanket over us which of course was our current state.

I had already put Hanna down for the night after I read her a bed time story it wasn't hard to balance my time between them surprisingly since Hanna loved her little brother she always wanted to be around him one time I even caught her sleeping in the crib with him of course I got a picture of the adorableness.

As I closed my eyes rocking jaemin the door opened and Jimin came it looking equally as tired. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Let me see the baby you look tired!" He said lifting the baby to his arms Jaemin loved and skinship with his father so he didn't cry went I handed him over.

I made my way upstairs and Jimin placed Jaemin in the crib by the bed he pulled me closer to his body and I fell asleep to his peaceful hums.

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